Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
Ion} Reaf nswasing'totbecontempt ofvnfiuitfuflknowledge. &4ifying and failing graces; for we cannot loue God, norbe- leeue, hope, and trill in him, vnlcffe wee know him; nor yeeldany obedience vnto him, vnleffe wee bee acquainted wish his word, wherein hee hash reucaled his will vnto vs. But yet this excellent gift ofGod is liable to the abufeof worldiings; (or if not that fpeciall grace of failing know- ledge,which is aiwaics accompanied with all ocherfpirituall gifts, yet at leaf} the counterfeit of this pure gold,which is fo cunningly clamped and coyned, that it cannot poflìblybe difcerned from the other,vnleffe it be brought to the touch - lione of true obedience) and fo is made the ground ofdi- uers dangerous tentations : as namely, when men can no longer be led hoodwinckt with ignorance,in the broad way that leadeth to deflruólion, but plainly difcerne that the knowledge ofGod and his will is moll neceffarie to their faluation, then the diuell and the world give them libertie to takewhat paines they will in attaining voto the know- ledge ofGods true religion, yea and oftentimes egge them on, when as they haue found out .tome neceffarie know - ledge, curioufly to prie into Cods hidden fecrets, and to fearch out thatknowledge which is fuperfluous and vone- ceffarie, to the end that in the meane time they mayneglefl the knowledge of things which are of better vfe.And when they haue proceeded thus farre, then they labour to make themproud of this knowledge, and to take all their delight in thisfpeculatiue fludie and contemplation, and in letting it foorth to the praife of men, in all their difcourfes; but withall.they moue. them-to red in this bare knowledge, as being fufhcient to gaine for them the glorie ofthe world, and of heauen too; feuering it in the meane time,from 211 fandlifying and fauing graces,and from the fruitfull praflife ofthattheyknow,in.holy obedience to Gods will. 4 Sec t. Which tentations that we may ouercome,let vs confider, that this idle knowledge which fwimmeth in the braise Thatoarknow- a ( , ledge is maimed and fan6lifieth not the heart; but being wholly taken vp, isdimperfal, and exercilèdin fpeculation and difcourfe, is feuered frotrt the true loue of God and our neighbour, and from all fan - &ifying and fauing graccs,as alto from the praétifeand ho- ly
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