Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

Reafonsmowing vs to the contempt o f vnfruit fulll nowledge. aps ly vfe ofthat we know in true obedience) is not at all to be efteemed of vs, but to be vtterly defpifed and contemned : firil, becaufe it is in it felfe arm worth or exceilencie : le- condly,becaufe to vs it is vnprofitable : thirdly, becaufe it is hurtful! and pernicious. For the firil, this idle knowledge which is in wotldlings,is ofno worth or excellencie,becaufe it is iinperfeand but a dimme fhadow,in comparifon of the dearelight; for that we knowis nothing in comparifon of that wcknow not; neitherdowe fee thefe few things with the cleare eye of adiflindlvnderflanding,but (as the Apoflle , , CorI t2 fpeakcth) as it were in a glaffe dimmely and darkely; and 3' when wee thinke that wee loare an high pitch above o- thers,we do in truth but creepe vpon the earth; or if at all we arecaried aloft,it is in opinion only,and that with the wings ofpridc and felfe -loue, and not of knowledge and vnder- (landing. For ifeucn the Apofile himfelfe, who had an ex- ceeding meafure of knowledge in comparifon of vs, being from his childhood brought vp in the (ludic of the Scrip- tures, and of otherlearning, and after his calling, notónely extraordinarily inlightned with the illumination of Gods Spirit; but alto had recciued from God (as- himfelfe faith) a- a.Corat.7, bundance of reuelations; did neuertheleffe confe% iu'his owne and others behalfe, that they did know but in part ; and x.Cor.13.9.t%. that they snow nothing at they ought to know, who haue a con- r.Cor.8.2.. ceit that they know any thing: then what fliaiwe thinke ofour' felues, who are but pur -blind in comparifon of his cleare fight ; and roughly ignorant in refpeét of his great know -` ledge andvnderflanding? If the wife cigar complaineth that he had not the vnderftandtng ofa man in him, and that Prou.3o.a.3; he bad learned soi fdome, xorattained to the knowledge o f ho- ly things: then furely we who come fo farre fhort of him,may iufllyacknowledge that we are in the number of thofe, wbo arebealtsb7 their owneknowledge,as the Prophet leremie fpea- keth.And ifwewould know unto what beafl we may fitly' compare and liken our felues, in refpebìofournaturallig- norance offpirituall things; it is not the fubtile Dog,the wi- Iie Fox, or the vnderflanding Ape, but as Zophar telleth vs; we areherein like the wilde Affe colt, which of all other beafis