Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
Reafons mooing to the contempt of vnfruitfu /l knowledge. 't o9 on them; and toile themfelues in taking farre greaterpaines to attaine veto this frothie, idle, and vnprofitable know - ledge,which cannot priuiledge them front death and de- firuefion; then they fhould need to take for the obtaining ofthat found, fubfiantiall, and fauing knowledge, which bringeth with it euerlafling ble{fedneffe. And in the fame refped their curious knowledge, may fitly berefcmbled to curious imagerie ,grauenor canted in fumptuous buildings ; which feruing only for ornament and fhew, doth neuerthe- leffe require more cofiand labour, then the maiue pofis and pillars which vphold the building, and make it profitable for the vfe of the inhabitants : for fo thefe idle fpeculations, feruing onely for ornament and difcourfe, and to gaine the applaufe and wonder of men to thofe that haue them,for their fubtile wits,and deepe reaches, doe require more flu - die and labour, and fpend.more time in attaining to them, then the chicle pillars,and fundamental) principles ofChri- füan religion,which are neceffarily required to our building vp in our holy faith, and to the euerlafiing faluation of our bodies and foules. And as this vaine and vnfruitfull=knowledge doth hurt 4.Se17.6. our bodies.; fo alfo our foules by corrupting and defiling Vufruitfull them with finne. Forwhen worldly minded men find that knoatedge math they doe herein excell others,in Read of being thankful vn- r fpet7ofour to God for his gifts,or humbled in confederation of that ac- fiu,s, firß,aut count which they are to make of the Lords talent, they arc puffetb vs vp prefentlypuffed vp with pride, and both forget God, and with pride. difdaine their brethren. And thus the Apofile faith, that knowledge puffeth.vp,but loge eel: firth. Yea,aud not only they Cor,B r.. who haue attained voto this knowledge in greatefi mea- fure,are fubie& to this fwelling difeafe ofpride (for as I faid, oftentimes thoR who haue moli knowledge, doe the more clearely fee how many things theyknow not, and therefore are no more exalted With the conceit of that '.they know, then deie6led and humbled- in the fight oftheir.ignorance) .. but alfo(yea and efpecially)thofe who haue but a finattering ofknowledge,and are but a little warmed in this funfhine, arefopuffed vp in conceit thereof that.they forget.God,aud them-
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