Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
z z o Rea fans 'netting vs to thecontempt of Worldly learning. themfelues too. And this reafon the Apofile rendreth, why hee would not haue aBifhop to bee a young fchollar,leff r.Ttm.3 (meafuring his worth according to his aduancement) bee fhould be puffedvp,ar, dfo fall into the condemnation of thediaell. And hereofit is that one faith, thefwcllmg hill ofpriderailed Afceni domini vpon the opinion ofa mans aune,knowledge,ra the worfi and moft fe:m.4. dangerous; 'Limn Which neuereheleffeme may fie eaenat this day, many of tale fonnes of efidam, creeping along lbit hgreat dare; as if they didnot know how much their father in liming of that htll,defcended yea bowgrieaouflte heft!,and how fearefully by his fa /l,hdc whole pofteritie *as deieEted and ¡bruited in peeces. The wounds which were inflidled on thee in afcendmg this hdl,a!- though thou wail yet in thy fat hers laines ,are not yet cured; and doeit thou now in thine owne perfonflriue to clime vpon it, and fo to make thelabt errour norfe then the fief ? O that this dam- p falm.4.z. nabledefire fhould /tillpoff fewretchedmen.' Oyefountsofineat, how lang being flow in heart, will you lone vanitie, and feeke lies! 4.Set.7. But as this idle and vnfruitful knowledgedoth make men ynfrairfsli fwell in pride,and felfe con ceit,fo Both it make all our other knewieddeeg- finnes to fwell alfo in Gods light, increafng their guilt, and grauatet our e- making their faultineífe,great and monftrous. For where- :her fianco, as ignorance,ifit be not wilful! (though it doth not take fin away,yet) itmuch leííeneth it,knowledge contrariwife doth muchaggrauate it, making it to bee contemptuous, and re- bellious; againft the confcience,and prefumptuous,as being committed wittingly and willingly, and with an high hand againfl God,negle ling and defpifing his wil and comman- dements reuealed vnto vs. And this appeareth byour Saui- Iohn9.43. ours cenfure of the Scribes and Pharifies ; If (faith hee) yee were blind,ye fhould not hauefinne;but nob ye fay,we fee, there - foreyourftnne remaineth. And the Apoftle implieth, that if his fnnes of blafphemie and perfecution, had bin ioyned with knowledge ofGods will, hee fhould neuer hauerecei- 1.Tim.t.t3. uedmercie. So alfo it increafeth the greacneffe ofourfins, by adding unto them the flanes of others, into which they led and plunged them, by giuing fcandall and offence ; for it is a thong inducement to moue an ignorant man to com- mit
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