Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
O,F beautie. t r 3 of for the glorified Saints of hcauep. And this is acknow- ledged both by Heathens and Chriftians; for cues the Eth- nicke Poet could fay that, Beautie is t hegifr of God. And Forma dei mu. with hin, agree the Ancients ofthe Church. One faith, that nus.0aid. beautie is a part of the bodies felicitie,a bountiftelLduantage, or Terwtdecult. acce /on oft he drains creation, anda citedand eomelgarment fceminlrb. and ornament of the Joule. And another : Theft. gifts O Lord tint tua fans, are thine, and are ood,becau a thou the chic a oodnera haft bonafa a g f f Ji !a bona. ir7a created them; and there is nothing in them ours, ut ourfnnrin ereajh,&c. ouerloutng them;for negleElingal ardently are readie tapreferre Auguft.dc ti- the creature, above thee who haft createdtr. Aud sAmbrofe uir.dc, Jiba g, cap, faith,that there is no fault in beautie, ifit be freefrom counter - .d,s dzs. eft, nut. faitingart;andif allurement ceafe ,fauorand the grace ofbeauty, lameti< crime* are to 6e e//cerned innocent and faulsies. Yea, itisafithabitad- deeorir,&c. on for vcrtue,modeflieand fhamefaftnes to dwel in; and as a Ambr.lib.r. ood workman vfuall worketh be when he hath fit mat- ep'ft'44 g y Ambr.otoc. ter, fo modeftie doth mod excell,when it is feared in abeau- lib.r.cap.r9. tífullbodie,fo that this beautie be notaffeéìed, but naturali and limpie. Yea,the fpirit ofGod himfelfe doth take notice ofit,in chofe vpon whom it was beflowed,and affordeth vu- toit, due and fit commendations. Thus Sara,7Zebeccah,Ra- Gcn.t s.r4: bel,lofeph, and many others are Paid to haue bin very faire 0.'7- 24.16.6- 6'.391. and beautiful!; andwhen God reftored and augmented the pprofperirie oflob, it is fpecially rioted as an extraordinarie blefììng,that he had not only many children, but that in all job 0.t I. theland mere no women foundfo faire ae the daughters offal,. But we fhall not need to fay much of this point, feeing by inflin &ofnature, all men owe a kind ofhomage to btautie weerethey find it, and being much delighted therewith do extraordinarily fauour and refpea it. And therefore onebe- Arîltot:apud ingasked,whybeautiful!things were fo muchl<oued,anfwe- Stoba:um red,that none but ablind man need to aske fuch a queflion. But to fay nothing of Heathens, euen the Saints andfer- uants ofGod haue binmooned thereby to loue and liking. This made Jacob to preferre Rachel beforeLeah; thismade Gen-29.3o.' (Aloft: mother to fauour and refpe6ì him,and in fauing him aliuebecaufehemaifatre ,to hazard her ownelife. And holle Exod.s.a. Samuel being affeeted with .hliabtbeatific, cencluded here_ I upon
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