Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
t t 6 Beau; ie fettered from truevertue, is to Ge contemned. though in the in cane time our minds and foulcsbe vglie and deformed : for the inward beautie of the mind ought not to be fettered from the outward beautie niche bodie, feeing (as Plutarch. A, one faith) beautie is the flower which fpringeth from the macor.Tom.z. root ofvertue and therefore being parted from it, it muff Enpsd, ¿n needs wither and come to nought: to which purpofeano_ cedipo. thee faith, that the mind is more to be regarded then the bo- die; for the outward beautie profireth not, when a good mind is not ioyned with it: neither is that to be efleemed a perfc &beautie, but lame and tnoflvnperfe &, which conic. Beth in the outward colour of the skin; when the mind and foule is vglie and deformed: for what is this better then a faire cabinet full offilth and rubbifb, and a goodly fepuchre full offiench and rottennes? which is not indeed truly beau- tifull, but only feetneth fo, through the imperfe&iou ofour Arifior. spud fight;for if as one faith our des like the Linxes could pierce Bonfoab. into the inward parts; i rather ifwe could fee as God Teeth Confol.lib. ;. P i , profit. the fecrets of the heart and reines, then should wee more loathe and abhorre them for their inward vglineffe and fil. chineffe, then admire or like them for their outward feature: and therefore it is not their owne naturall excellency,which intitleth them to the name ofbeautie, but the weakeneffe of our fight which can pierce no deeper then the outfide of the skin :and therefore offuch it is faid,not abfolutely that they were beautifull, but only that they were faire rolooke vpon, 2.Sam.14.27. Let none then content themfelues with this Ism painted fcabard, which hath in it but a woodden or leaden dagger, nor take delight in this flower whichhath a faire colour,but no fweetneffe:but feeino we are all as the flowers of the fcld,letvslabour to becomerotes in Gods garden,ha- uiug the beautie ofcolour ioyned with the fweetnes ofver- tue, that fo when the outward complexion is faded, the o- dour and perfume ofa godly lifemay Bill remaine. $.Self.4. Againe, this beautie is abufed, when as in conceit thereof seaut ¿e becam_ thole that Itaue it are puffed vp with pride,and Co forget God meth esitiwben who gaue it, and all dutie which they owe voto hitn,and ware proud ef defpifetheirneighbours,ascommingfarrefhortoftheirex- iyorfitour cellencies; for howfoeuerthis beautie be vaine and of fmall hearts vivo it. worth,
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