Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

113 Bt, tie. eueredfrom trac vcrtste,is to be contemned. eo:Yetourmcn,nrtthroes h the ftt!rof the gal <l,but of-them-Info to' itintinio. Now lei} flaouìd thinke that but few fall in.. to this follic,lct them.know,that as many are guiltie ofit, as vfe greater,cure and labour, and (pend more time inprocu. ring, or, preferuing, this fading beatific, then in attaining Gods fauour,the graces of his ipirit, or in vling the meanes of their otcne.faluation; for as we preferreour-ends,foallo the meanes accordingly which leade veto them. And thus haue: I (hewed how this gift ofGod is abufed seauticis brrt.a veto euill,and becomtneth thg ground ofdiuers tentations, .ift,common wherby Satan and the wotl od ,,.tough the corruption ofour with the btatiiP flcfh,allureth vs to Gnne; a tnfl which,that wemay be ar- creaeres.. med,let vs not,if we want it;°immoderately delire it, and if, we haue it,let vs take heed that wee be not ouertaken with pride,nor let our heartsand affe6lions vpon it, preferring it before fpirituall and fauinggraces, and the meanes of our owne faluation. Yea,when it commeth in comparifon with thefe, let vs !came to defpife and contemne, lotheandab,,, horre it,as becomming through abufe, a fnare of the diuell;" whereby he hindereth vs from going forward in the way of faluation. Butbecaufe the moll that haue it, doe chus abufe it,and in (lead ofbeing made better,and more thankful] vn. to God,become more vain and proud, wanton and wicked, let fuch know,that whatfoeuer beautie is in it owne nature, to them it is of no worth or excellencie, altogether vnprofi- table ; yea, veryhurtful] and pernicious,both to themfelues and others. And firll that it is of no value, or excellen- cie,beingfeueredfrom vcrtue and true godlinefle; it may appeare,in that it is common to man with the brutifh crea- tures;and what excellencie is in that, in which the hone and greyhound,the peacocke and fwan,doe allo excel] as well as he? yea,of what worth is it,feeing even the flowers of the field,as the role and lilie, doe in the beautie of colours goe farre beyond him ? and therefore mans excellencie is not in this,whcrein he is exceeded by fuch meane creatures,but in the right vfe offanélified reafon, and in the hidden vermes Tjibilin ber7ÿs ofthe mind., For at there is nothing more excellent inbeaffs, pla refrains quam good Tit then flint which is oatwardly feene.anel di(corned, fa in man there is