Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

120 Beautiefettered from truevertue, is to be contemned. flreng okes,although they be thicke with fairegreene leaue,, and tall in fiattere,yet theyBeare no fruit fitfor men,but only meate to feed bosses : uhereas the vine creeping on the earth bringeth foorth pleafantgrapes. §.SeE1.7. The reafons why wee fhould e(leeme it bale, and ofno of beautie e es worth without vertue,òr in companion offpirituall graces, od by realms, are,fir(l,becaufe God doth fo elleeme it;for he looketh not firß,becaufe to the outward fhape and countenance, but principally GddeFteettned, regardeth the heart, and the inward beautie of the mind. it not. And this the Lord (hewed to Samuel, when he was fo much in loue with Eliabs beautie, and goodly perfonage, t ling him not to look!, on his countenance, nor on the height of his ffature,feeing hehad reftefed him : becaufe God feeth not asman feeth; for man looketh to the on: a'ardappearance, but the Lord beholdeth the heart. But how little the Lord valueth his gifts ofbeautie and outward ¡hale, may appeare by hismanner of bellowing them; for he referueth them not,as fpecial and chicle iewels for his owne children and feruants, but as tri- fles Qffinall value, he maketh them common to the wicked and reprobate,who are but flaues and enemies. And thus he inriched Saul with alarge portion. thereof, of whom it is x.Sam.9.z. laid, that he matagoodly young man anda faire, fo that among thechildren -of lfr.ael, there mu none goodlier then he; fo Ado., z.King. t.6, niah had this gift in great meafurc, who is Paid to haue bin a very goodly man. Ande.,/bfolan, though hee hadnot the birthright,nor theblefling ;yetin this had a double portion, 2..Sam.14.25'. for in all therenar none to bee fa muchpraifedforbeautie as he; from thefole ofhisfooteto the .tepefhisbead,,therena: noblemij2 in him. Fromwhence it appeareth,.o how (mall Pulchritude worth in com arifon this beautie is feein ithath bin fo is den do- plentifully be lowed on fuch worthleflé men: to which ur- qusdem des do- P Y p num eft :fed pofe one faith, that the beautieofthebedie is indeed the gift of proptesea id God,but hee bath therefore bellowed it on the euillalfe, left is largitur etiam might feeme to thegood,to be 'fatty great value. Yea,hee bath malts ne mug- b nur bonum vi- ellowed it on the brute creatures as well as men; and ther- dentarbonis, fore howfoeueritbegood,yetitexceedeth notabrutilhex- Augu( ci- cellencie. To this purpofe one demandeth : art thou (faith uit.dei.lib.rç. he) farreandbeautiftoll i' why,,this. istheglery ofdawes,and not of ,