Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

14 Beautie feuered f om true vertue is tote coxtemred. Tulchriue eft Petting our hearts on that inward beautie ofthe mind which puaintnmc, íl__ confiffeth in vertue,and the fánélifying gifts of Gods Spirit, tudminicalut, andonthatgloriousbeautie ,whichfhalladorneoutbodies hoc /tadÿeft. and Cowles in the kingdome of God ; for as this beautie is in Petrarcb. it (elfe ten thoufand times more excellent then the other, fo fhallitbeofeuerlalling continuance; for old age can neuer make any wrinckles in the face of vertue, fickneffc cannot hurt it, violence cannot deface it, griefe and forrowcannot impaire it, yea death it (elfe cannot blemifh or difgraceir, yea rather it Thal be a meanes to crowne thisbeauty ofgrace with the beautie ofglory,which as it Thal be full ofvnfpeak- able excellencic, fo (hall it be free from all outward iniurie, and from all inward caufes of decay, and confequentlyvn- changeable and euerlafling. 4.Sell. t I. But if this will not weane our hearts from the loue of Beautytoo much worldly beautie,becaufe it doth not profit vs : let vs further aft&Cied doró confider )% it doth allo bring"much hurt both veto ourfelues make the bathe and alto vnto oui neighbours :: it hurteth-ourfelues both in tender. /oft aad fickty. our bodies,: foules and names; ourbodiesthereby are-made more tender, loft and effeminate, yea alto moreweake and fickely, and that not onely through the vfe ofvnwholefome medicines, and the riegled of wholefome food, both which are ordinarie with thofe who ouermuchaffe& thepraifeof beautie,but allo becaufe they negle& that conuenient labor andexercife which preferuath health &increafeth flrength, and giue themfelues ouer to floth & daintines,the ordinarie enemies;& impairers ofthë both: and this neederh no other proofe but common experience, and bycomparing the ordi- narie fort, - whmfeed wholefomely, and diligently imploy themfelues in the duties oftheir calling, with the gentilitie of the land, who no more exceed the cómon people-in forme and beautie,then there furpaífe them, in health andfrength. 4.Sea.Lt. But howfocuer thisworldly beautie doth much hurt the seautie binde- body,yet nothing in companion ofthat hurt which it bring- rah vertae,and eth veto the foule, which it -much hindreth in the courfe of futthercth vice. verme, and alto plungeth into many vices : in both which refpedlsthis tentation of worldly beauty hath ouercomethe moll that haue bad ir, whom it bath firfi effeminatcd and made