Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

r a 8 Beats tie j 'tieredfrom true venue is to be contemned. which he vouchfafeth only unto the humble, and oppofeth himfelfe againfi them,punifhing them oftentimes in that wherein they glorie, and catching them in their owne in. ueigling nets,which they fpred out for others; like Abfalon who was hanged with bis own haire,that wherein he chief- ly gloricd,be made by God the infirument of his ruine. 4, Sea, I But as this worldly beautie is hurtfull to them that have Beaune deeci- i t,fo allo to others that behold it: for firll,itfcrueth for no- seal and aüu_ thing being feuered from verme and true godlineffe,but for retb moo /lane. a curious vaile to hide vnder it all finne, and tomake wic- kedneffe it fell, when it is difguifed with it,to pafl'e vnfinfpe- fled. And this was that vizard wherewith that notable hy- pocrite Saul was fo adorned, that hee deceived both good Samuel,and all the people,caufing him to excoll him, as not x_Samao,i4, being to bematched among all the refl,and mouing them to fhoute for ioy,and to crie aloude,God faue the King.But much more doth it hurt, as it is vied by the diucll and the world for a baize to allure men vnto finne ; and as a fhining flame to lettheir hearts on fire with vnlawfull lufls.In which Formefamere- refped a beautifull woman without vertue, is compared to trix duleeve, a fwecte poyfon which killeth with delighì,and theirglan- nesum, cing lookes to the Broke of Scorpions, or the fling of Vi- Volutevenerie, pers,which bringeth death in a fweete flumber; or elfe to a babel nis. burning coale which being it felfe firfikindled, inflamech fcorpionir, g r thole alto that are mere vnto it; or asSalomon comparethit, to a fword,which,whilefi it glittereth,woundeth,yea a two Prou.Ç 4. edged fvvord, the one hurting thofc chat haue it,with pride, the other chofe which behold it, with lull and wantonnes. And thus were the tonnes of God wounded, whilefl they Gen.6,ts, beheldthe beautie ofthe daughters ofinen;thus was Pate. Gen. ;y.z. ?hamwife inflamed with the fight oflofeph; thus was e4nt- z.Sam.e3.1.z, nontick oflufl,hauingfufferedhis eyes to drinke their fill of > .Sam.rr.z, this fweete poyfon; yea and with this (hare was holy David caught, whilefl his eyes wantonly wandred and beheld the beautieof his feruants wife. And hence it is that Salomon feeking to preferue his youthfull fcholler from the finne of vncleannes, thinketh it not enough to haue him fo farre off lrou. ;.x4.: ;, from thebeautiful hatlot,thac he cannot heart thebewitch - ing