Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

geautief tieredfrom t'erlue, is to be contemned. I29 Ing eloquence of her flattering tongue,but alto that he land aloofe, and keepe himfelfe as it were out of the guufhot of her deadly wounding eyes. The confideration wherofmade In quæl. ex the beautiful! ? hufcan (as AuquTh ,ee recordeth) to deforme moil; mixcia+. his ouer-louelie face with grieflie wounds, left it fhould be_ t t S. come a flare to intangle the beholders with vnlawfull lulls ; being herein, as I take it, as blind in zeale, as he was bright inbeautie; feeing it might haue fufficed to haue couered it with the chafivalle ola fober and graue countenance,which by taking away al hope ofobtaining,would alto haue quen- ched the heate ofwanton delires; neither ought he to haue kept others from abufe, by abut ng it himfelfe, nor to haue reieéted Gods gift which to him was good, for feare left o- thers fhould abuíe it vnto euiil. But as we are not to ioyne with him in this extreame, fo let vs as carefully auoid the o- ther : and hauingbeautie, let vs not wantonly difcouer it as though we brought it to the market; or being in others, let vs either with lob turne awayour eyes, that we do not be- hold it, or at teal let vs looke vpon it through the glaflle of modelle, chilly and fobrictie, and fo this Cockatrice Thal! neuer hurt vs. And thiscounfell the Sonne of Syrach giueth Ys: Turne away (faith he) thine eye frem a beautiful! woman, and looke not on others beautie,feeing many haueperilbed by the beauty ofwomen,for through it loueis kindledas afire.To which accordeth the admonition ofanothcr : Let vs Aim (faith he) SaG1.Admo- thefeperniciousbeauties, left they inioyne vs to commit all man- II1r ad filiuett nerofeuill,&c. Take heed myfonneofviewing thole formes, by fPug' which thou reel many basteperifhed;do not drinke, l pray thee, of that cttp lbherewith o many bane been poyfoned, feed not ofthat meat whereon lath multitudes hauefurfetted,rufh not vpon that rocke, whereupon fo many hauefuffered fhipwracke, and carefully amend thofe hidden fnares whereinthou haft feene fo many taken. But as this worldly beautie is hurtfitll to (rangers, fo of- Sta, i6. centimes to neeref friends ; for it is a common occafon, and 4eaktieofen- the vfuall fuels, wherewith the confuming fire of iealoufia is tins kJ-Odes. kindled,whilel the husband beholding his wines beautie thefriends of with the eye ofloue, groweth in feare of rivals, and confide- tb °fe wbe exccli rcth the great difficultie ofappropriating that to his owne'ntt K vie,