Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
To the Chriftian Reader. dfitoalleage the fayingsof thegodly learned, and ancient Fat hers,who haue listed in former ages, to Phew the confor- mitie of our iudgements,and our vnanimotts cor fentin ex- pounding chafe places of holy fcriptures, which Jerrie for the clearing and proouing of thole points, for which 1 a/teage them ; lefl perhaps mine owne writings and affértions might feeme to haue proceeded out of orre melancholicke or difcontentedhumor,whích might make me to contemne the world,becau %it bath alwaies contemned me, and fo carrie no credit withthem, if I were not backed with ,their better autboritie. wind to the fame purpofe, 1 haue alfo more plentifully then is my vfuall cuflome, alleagedthe fayings of the wifefl Heathens,andmo.Fl learned Philofophers; beau fe hawing to deale with carnal! worldling!, who notw-ithilan- ding makefhcw and profeßion ofChriflian religion ,l might mooue and perfivadethem, if not in the feare of God, and for confcience fake, yet at lea fi for fhame to agent unto that truth, veto which Pagans and Infidels haue yeelded and fùb /cribed,who haue hadno other knowledge togu :de them, but the light of nature. The which my labours, I humbly fubrnit to the graue cenfure ofthe judicious, learned, and godly Reader: the which I hope to find more favourable; becaufe my erreurs may more iuflly be excufed, Peeing I doe not trauell in a path beaten by others, who hauegone before me,but in an vncouth and vimfusil way, where 1 haue not had the trail ofother mens fleps for my direi ?ion; there being none that 1 know of,,ef ecially o fourcountrimen, that haue purpofely laboured in this argument. The Lord bleffe the fe and all other my lab jars, that they may bee porverfUll and effelluall, for the aduancement o /hisglorie,thegood of hnChurchi,and the comfort and edification ofall the parti- cular members thereof, who fhali haue any vfe of myPoore minierie;;
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