Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

t 30 Beautie fetteredfrom vertue, it tobe contemned. vfe, which is offo many affe &ed and defired;the which feare making him fit to entertaine all fufpitions and many fufpiti- ous liming to his jealous mind for an cuident demonflrati. on, do make way for rage againfi his wife, the ouerflowing ofloue turning into the gaule of furie, for enuie and hatred againfl his ftippoled rivall, and for torment and vexation to his ovine foule. Againe, this worldly beautie feuered from verme doth often cxpofe neereff fiends to many dangers, as fometimes to fecret poyfons, and fometimes to open vio- lence, becaafethey (land in the way, and hinder thofe who are intangled with it, from fatisfying their lugs, and enjoy- ing their wanton and lafciuious delires. Forifthis beautie had thefe dangerous and deadly effe&s in Sara,who thereby vnwillingly expofed Abraham to thehazard of his life; & in Beth fabe,whofe beautie was the caufe of her husbands ruine, both which notwithflanding were vertuous women, and feared God: how much more pernicious is it in thofe who are deflitute of vertue, modeflie and fobrietie, who are not only occafions, but allo acceffaries and helpers forward of there mifchifes, being allured hereunto by their wicked loners? That t 17. excellencie, then beaurofiable,t no worth or nd- wefhoald g p , fixe our ioue on pernicious, both to them that cxcell in it, and to thofe that doaine beautie. are neere veto them : let vs weane our hearts from the loue of this vanitie, and learne to con tetnne and defpife it both in . our felues and others; and ifwe will needs be inamored with beautifull obie&s,let vsfixe our hearts vpon God,who is not only beautifull,but beautie it felfe, and fo infinit in this and all otherperfe &ions, that all the beautie ofall the creatures in heauen and earth is but as a final! fparke in comparifon gf the gloriousbrightneffe ofthis Sunnc : and therefore let the beautie ofthe creatures (erne but as a fcale,wherebyour me- ditations may alcend to contemplate the infinit beautie of the Creator: for negle& of which vfe of the creatures excel- lencies, the Author ofthe booke of Wifdome condemneth men :Surely (faith he) allmen are value by nature, andare ig- norant ofÇod,andcouldeat know but that ár, by the god thingr that