Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

Of the vanitie and vnlalbfelneffe of painting. I 3; their bodies to filthineffe, for thehire and wages of their wickedneffe, they taught and inffru&ed them in this art of painting; and thereof inferreth, that there painted parts are not ofGodsmaking,but ofthe diuelsflaining and cor- rupting; now what impietie is this in thofe who profeffe Chriflianity,thatbeing formed by God, they fhould leek to bexeformed and perfe&ed by the diuell? To the fame pur- poleTertullianfaith,thatthed redbathcertainelydeuifedthefe tileindubita_ arts, that he might in vs oppaje hi nfelfe again FE Clod. And af- to buisfmodi firmeth that to be Gods work! whichis horne,and that the diaelr.'ng`."'a Cone`n' nauu,vtin no- lbhich is counterfeited : and what helli/h wickedneffe is this,toad bis quodam me. woo gods worker the chisels arts and ornaments? oarferaants do manus deo barrow not from oar foes, thefoeldier defireth nothing from the ssferret. enemies of his chirfo commander; and 'hall a Chr fian defire,De cult. foe - helpe of that tbicked one, who is Gods And their profiled e- min.pag.Sr4. Hernie? Againe, letthem confider, that as it bath an euill author, §.Seit.a. fo it is in itIdle euill, as fpringing from the roote of fume, Painting, both andbringingfoorth abundance of there cuffed fruits. The :be cietiand roote from which it fpringeth, is fometimes.pride, which caufe°fflnne. moueth them, when they cannot match others in natural' beautie,to vfe thefe artificiall helps, that thereby they may excel' them in that which is counterfait. And fometime it fpringeth from lua,and the inward wncleannefíe of the hart, which moueth themto vfe thefe inveigling arts,that by ke- rning more beautifull then they are, they may enibare the affe &ions ofthofewho looke vpon them. And as it is bred ofthefe curled parents, fo it felfis exceeding fruitful in brin- ging footth the impious off-fpring ofmanifold fumes cotn- mittedboth againfi God, their neighbour and themfelues. AgainflGodthey offend; by prefumingto adulterate his worke,and by taking vpon them to amend that, which, (as they fuppofe) he hath made atniffe; for they fecretlyrepre- hend the workman,when they arc difpleafed with his work, and feeme to tasks him for want of wifdome andcunning, when they take vpon them to corre& and make better that which he hath left vnperfe &ed. To this purpofe is that of Cyprian.traR. Orion : God faith, Let vs make man accordiig room. image i a habit. tK gP g S