Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

Of the vanitie and vnlauvftelnes of painting. 237 But heere Tome will fay, that for themfelues they take no 4,Stlí.. great delight in thefe praélifcs, but that they vfe them to TheirobicEÏien pleafe their husbands, that bygiuing them contentment, anfweredrohó they may retaine their loue and affeRion; and appropria_tartbeyvle ring it wholly to themfelues, may preferue them from the ylecetheir Fix/: loue of Orange women. For ánfwering whereof, let fuch bands. know,that they ought not to pleafe men by difpleafing God; and therefore though it could be imagined that any man is fo fillie and deflitute ofvnderflanding, that he would haue his wife, whom he defires to keepe honefl, to vfe the quali- ties and conditions oían harlot,yet the fhould not glue him contentment,by burthening her foule with a knowne finne. Neither can it be imagined that hereby they can wind them- felues into their husbands loue, or preferue him from vnlaw- fulllufis; for ifneither the feare ofGod, nor the terrour of his iudgcments, death, hell, and condemnation,noryet the punifhment inflióled by humane lawes, and the danger of falling hereby into innumerable euils, will deliuer him from following thefe courfes; nor finally the loue of God and his fweete promifes will allure them to the performance of his dude; then how can it be imagined,that hee fhould be inti- ced with a painted vizard to embrace this coniugalfloue,or be preferued from firange lulls with a falfe and counterfeit bcautie? Yca contrariwife,let them refi aflhured that they make themfelues hereby loathfome to their husbands,when as thefeartificialhfupplies put them in minde of their natu- rall defcéis, and this3cotnterfcit-beautie, ofthatrealldcfor= mitie which it hideth ;li`k'ea rotten pofi which is painted, and gilded over to make a fhcw.And therefore(as one faith) they take a foolifh courfe in feeking to approue themfelues Ambrof.dc. to their husbands iudgement,by difapprouing them in their Virginlibe owne; and to thinke to pleafe others, when as being helped with felfcloue they cannot pleafe themfelues; for if they thought nothing wanting, they would not feeke by fuch meanesto make afupplie; if they did not thinke themfelues deformed, they would neuer feeke grace from a falfe beau= tie. If then thou wouldcfl bane thy husband cfleeme thce, obferue rather.a sober grauity,then affcé't a counterfeit beau- tie;