Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
t 3 8 That bodily flrength is of fmall worth and excellencie. tie; and deck thy miede with the ornaments of vertue, bu- a.Tnn.t.Ho- militie,tneekues,coniugall loue,fidelitie,chaf itie, modeflie and the rel},which being permanent and vnchangcable,will make his louealfoconllant and perpetuall : and teach him not with thefe deceitful) arts to tie his loue to the beautie of the face, left being accuftomed for this caufe to affe61and loue,he be taken with the beautie oían harlot, when he fin - deth it more excellent. Whereas if thou inureft him to loue in thee vertuc,good qualities,modeftie and fobrietie, he wit not eafilybe infuared by theadultrefíe, fecing fhe hath no fuch baitesto allure his loue. Finally, doe not teach him to be willingly deceiucd, with wanton laughter, and with a nice and affe6!ed gate; for fo (halt thou but minifter vnto himweapons,thc point whereofmay be turned againfl thy felfc; but rather feeke that he may take delight in chaffitie, modeflie, and fobrietie, and fo (hall hee haue armour of proofe to defend and preferue him from the incounters ofan harlot. CHAP. XV. That bodily firength is not much tobe efleemed,au being of (mall worth andexceliencie. §.Seib. r. = _ Nd thus haue I fpoken ofthofe worldly ten- That bodily rations, which are grounded vpon beautie. ftrength being ! Now wee are to fppakeofthofe which arife in it felfe good, from firength aed health, both which are is abufed through our tor- f in themfelues the good bleflìngs of God, ruption. whereby we are the better inabled to ferue him in all good duties; for in them our firli parents excelled in the (late of innocencie,and wee alto (hall much excel! them in the (late t.Cor.t q. ofglorie; for our bodies are fame in corresption,but they Jhall rife in vncorruption,they are%ume in rreakenes, but they (hall be raifed inpower,as the Apo(lle telleth vs; and therefore being the gifts of God,wherewith he moll inriched vs in the flare of innocencie,and will crowne vs in the (late of glorie,they mufi needs be good in their ownenature, and to thofe who haue
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