Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

14$ That the company ofrvicked worldling: it to be attoided. menti hereafter, the Jeffe nee haue feared re abufe fo bauntifu/l bleffines of Clod unto jinn. CHAP. XVII. That focietie and neere familiarity with t'icke:d worldlingt se to beJliunned and auoided. g Secei, l , jr*-- Nd thus much concerning fuch worldly tentati- Thar the world L. ons, as haue their ground and foundation on allurcihv, by fome thing which is in our felues. Nosy it fol- wrcked campa _ loweth that I intreate offuch, as are catifed and nie,ro accampo occafioned by fomwhat that is without vs;for as the world, nie than in fin. and the prince thereoffeeke to ouercotne vs, bycaufing our (clues to betray our felues, and to become the inflruments ofour owne ruine ; fo if they faile of this, then they bailie mulleragainfl vs forren forces, and with thembefiege the fort ofour foules,that fo they may facke and fpoile vs of all fpirituall graces, and may leadevs captiue todcflru6lion. Now thefe forces confif} either in the perfons ofworldlings themfelues, or in worldly things, which they vfe as their baites and allurements,wherewith they intice vs veto finne. In the former refpe& the world tempteth vs, when it draw. eth vs into the fellowfhip and focietie,or neete farniliaritie, and inward friendfhip of wicked mcn,that being corrupted with their company and friendfhip, we may either bee hin- dredinour courfe ofgodlinefle, or allured to goe with diem in the broad way of Clime, that bringeth to defiruetibn: 4.Sef7.2. Which tentation that wee may ouercome, let vs arme Thaiaillocietie our felues againfi it; and lea wee fhould reie6ì the good »ithwicked withtheeuill, in the firft place let vs confider in what re- men ilotvn fpe6sfocietiewith worldlings is permitted as lawfull, and how it iscorídemned as vnlawfull and euill, that fo neither going afide on the right hand,nor on the left, wee may hold on in that firaight way which the word of God prefcribeth rirrit fotta. voto vs. For the former we are to know,that not all manner dorm qua volt offocietie with wicked men is forbidden,nor yet to al men: cum innecenti- For (as one faith) hemafygoeintothe folirary defrts,whozeill bra viuere. lice