Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
7. JÇ o.'' á .? 7 M '!' ;. j i`S THE CONTENTS OF THE FIRST BOOKE. The chi f points contained in the frft Booke. -CHAP. I. Ofthe world , the fecond enemy of our faluation, and what it is. § i.T+Hat the world isfometimes taken ingoodpart , andfo to be lotted at a friend. 2. § 2. In what fenfe the world re to be reputed our enemy. q . § 3. How wickedworldlings are to be hated. S. C H A P. 2. Ofthe nature and qualitie ofour enemy the world. § I. That the world is euill and wickedin it [elfe , yieldìieg obedi- ence to Sat han as the Prince thereof 6. § 2. That the warldffhtethvnderSathanagaíngGod. 7. § 3. That the world is a mo/t d zngerott enemie. 9. g 4. That the world is a malicious encmie. I O. § 5. That the world isaftbtillenemie. 11. § 6. That the world is a powerfull enemy in regard ofit owne f renZth. i i. § 7. That much ftrcngthc/ added to the worlds forces through our corruption. 13. § 8. The power of the world /hewed by the experience of former times. § 9. The power of the worldf6ewed by the experiertre of th fe times. § i o. That the world often preuaileth with Gods fermants. 17. 6 CsiAP,
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