Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

152 That the companie of mic/ed worldling' to be auoided. them, at our owne private profit and aduantage, or at the fatisfying ofour owne voluptuous pleafure,aswhen we de- light in their fharpnes of wIt,merrie conceits, and in their pleating conuerfation ; which oftentimes are bates to allure vs to enter into, and infhare our felues in the nets ofperdi- tion : for with this (weenies is mixed the poyfon of world- ly prophanenes ,ribauldrie,blafphemie,and fuel: like wicked difcourfes,all which being in their companie we mull needs heare,(vnleffe we will flop our cares) and hearing muff of coueamuza e necef fitie either be corrupted oroffended. Inwhich regard aStmüm tole- one admonifheth vs to take carefull heed, leg whilefl by fuch mus,folaamus companie eve defire to recreate our mindes,we doe not loft all har. omnem harmo- movie and concord ofgood worl¿es, becauje cut ome oftentimes neaoe,gaaft CM'. cloth incline nature. ceourn endru. In all which cafes and refpe6"ls, the companie ofworld- Ambrotoffic. lings is a notable tentation to draw vs vnto finne,and to 11ba.cap.2a. hinder vs in the courfe of venue and godlineflè, and there - 4.Sec 7.6. fore is moll carefully of all Chriflians tobeefhunnedand That die compa- .auoided. To.which purpofe let vs confider, firfl, that this fo. nyo/the mickrd cietiewith the wicked is often forbidden, and condemned is forbiddiand in the word of God. So the Wife man efpecially charged: condemned, P 0. vs not tokeepe companie with drunkards, orevith gluttons ; and IOLL.$3 generally, neither to be envious againfl eviti men, nor to de /ire Prou.z4.1,. to be in their companie, hecauj their hearts imaginedetrufion, and their lips /ßeake mifehiefe. And thus the Lord comman- Exod.34.5 6, deth the Ifraelites to haue no manner of focietie or friend - Deut.7.3.4. chip with the wicked natious,lefl by their example and pro - uocation they ll;ould be moued vnto idolacrie and fin. And the Apofile Paul willeth vs in the nameof the Lord, to come a.Cor.6.17. outfrom among nicked men,to feparate our felues fromthem,and Lcuit.7.r9. totouchnovncleanethin(; for ifthe touching ofa thing vn- cleane ceremonially defiled a man, how much more the fa- miliar acquaintance ofthofc,who are defiled with finne? But with greater care and circumfpc&ïon are 've charged to auoid thecompany ofthofe who making-profeffi6n ofChri- flian religion, doe difgrace the fame with their wicked and vngodly lines and conuerfations, becaufe of all other their focietie is mot} dangerous, their fumes being more lcanda- lous,