Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

That t the company ofwscked wsrldlingt is to beastoided. Y 5 3 lous, and their example more forcible to allure vsvnto finne. Ifany (faith he) that zrcall edabrorher,beafornicator orcome, i.Cor.ç.rr. tow, or an idolater ,or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner, with fach an one eat not. And thus he commandeth the Thef- falonians, in the name of our Lord fefneChrill,that they Jhould t.Thdf.3.6. withdrawthemfeluesfrom every brother that walketh inordinat- ly, and not after theinitrutlion which he had received from him. And thus the voice from heauen criethvnto - all the feruants ofGod, to come out ofthe fjiirituall Babylon, that they be net Apoc.18.4. partakers in herfinnet, and that they receive not of herplagues. And as the Lord bath forbidden this föcietywith the wic- 4.Sec7.7. lied; fo alfo haneahe Saints carefully auoided it. Thus Da- That Gods nidprofeffeth,that he had not haunted with vain perfens, nei_ saints hallo ther kept company with the diJfemblers;yea that he hated theaf- taref'lly fh.n_ femblieofthe euill,andhad not companiedwith the wicked: and nioJtbewicá when through his grievous perfecutions he wasforced whe- tea ther hewould or no to haue this wicked fellowfhip,he grie- Pfal.z6.4.5. uoufly complaineth hereof, crying, out ; Woe ie me that Ire- 1'fäim:r mine in Mefheeh, and d -ell in the tents ofKedar. Whole ex- ampleletvslearne to imitate, approving our felues to bee true Ifraelites by our abhorring all fellowfhip with thefe filthie (wine,who take delight to wallow themfelues in the loathfome puddle offinne and wick edneffe. And tothis end let vs further confider, thatthere ought, to be no communi- on or fellowfhip betweene the. faithfull and aide worldly infidels : for asthe Apofile faith, what fellowfhip bath. righte- z.Cor.6.t4.1 5. oufneffe with vnrighteoufneffe ?andwhat communion bath light with dar kneife ? and what concord bath Chrilf with 73elial? or what part bath the beleeuerwiththe- infidell? With which ac- eordeth the Paying of the Sonneof Syrach, eil/l flefh (faith Eccla3.r6.r7e he) will refort to their like, and emery man willkeepe company ?mth Inch as be is himfèlfe: hew can rise WoPt agree with the Lambe? no more can the vngodly w,th the righteoua.And to the fame purpofe another demandeth, What (faith he) kalf thou Ambroi ad to dos *lb worldly men, or nhat commerce canit thou hale Virgin.deuot. withthem? towhatpurpofedoeFl thou defire to know with them lib.cap.a. tht way of peribtion,which theyfollow t If thou feekeil for cha- f itte, they h. <ue it not ; i f for faith, who is. faithfnll among them, whom