Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

7hat the companie of reick.ed worldlings is to be auoided.l t 59 which iudgements and punifhments, when God would haue his feruants priuiledged and preferued, he calleth vnto them with a voice from heauen, faying, goe out ofher my Apoc.i8.4. people,thatyebe not partakers in her finnes, and that ye receiue not of her plagues. Implying their danger of being tainted with the hunes ofthe whore ofBabylon, and the impoflbi_ litie ofefcaping her punifhments,ifthey did not forfake her wicked fellawfhip. But as all focietie with wickedworldlings, is a very dan- 4.Seci.13 gerous tentation to draw vs vnto finne,and to fubieái vs vn - That ajfnitie to punifhment,fo efpecially when we enter into neàrel}.,miththe milked bónds ofaßïnitie and marriage with them ; for they who are: h moot dan- thus vnequally yoked with vnbeleeuing worldlings,arefure gerous. either to goe quietly with them in the way of hnne,or to be shrewdly gaulled, whiled they make refiUance,and draw a- nother way. And for this fault, good lehofaphat had his re- putation blemifhed, of whom it is laid, that he hadriches and honourin abundance, but he mas ioyned in aff nitie /bithA- z.Chron.x8.r. hab. The which bond of alliance made him profeffe to the enemie of God,defiring his afliflance, fans as thou art, and verf.3. my people as thy people, and we trillioynelbith thee inthewarre. And this is the reafonwhich the holy Ghof+ rendreth of le- z Kin 8 r8 horams idolatrie, becaufe the daughter of eifhabwas his g' wife; and alto why e4haziah did coil/in thefight of the Lord, verf.27. 1:be the hole or Ahab, betau fe he was the fanne in lalb ofthe boufe of Ahab. Yea,with this Inure was wife Salomon cat - ched,being drawne by his idolatrous wiues to leaue the Lord(who had in extraordinarie mauer bleffed him aboue t,King.u.4.g.. all the Kings of Ifrael) and to ferue the idols of the Hea- thens. C HA P...