Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

The Contents. CHAP. 3. Reafons to moue vs to rela and fight again(# our ene- mie the world. §T. Codcommanle vs to oppofe againfi the world. 18. § 2. T he fec ned rearm an tall n from the paion of Chro.19. § 3. The th;rdreafonta, nfromthe necrj iy fthis fight, feeins the f tondo oft ':eworldareenemies to God. 19. § 4. VeilejJe ive renounce the world, we are not of the number of the faithful!. 21. §5. Chri/ltan religion retluireth that we fbould renounce the world. 22. § 6. The way oftheworld is the tray of jinn. 22 § y. We msl fight againfl the world f'we will be Chrills drfci- lr $8 We becomee,r.pcflatetifwe fight notagainfl the world. 23. $ 9. Thefourth reafontaken from our of .ored hope ofvif orie.24. § so. The lag reafontezk n from our reward which accompanieth villorte. 25. § it. How we are faid to fight againfl the world , and to obtain voilerie. 25, CHAP. IIII. Oldie manner of The worlds fight , and how he affaul- teth vs, on the one side with profperitie, and on the other fide with aduerfitie. §T.With what weapons the worldof aultethvr. 26. §2. rhe manner how the worldfighteth with vs. 26. § 3. That pro fperitie isgood in it owne nature. 28. § q.. That profßeritie in refpeEl of our t fe is of an indi f rent na- ture. 29. 5 f. That we are apt to abufe ourpro/ eritietofinne. 30. CHAP. V. Of the dangeroufne[i'eoFworldlyprofperitie. S t . That the worlds rogations on the right handare very clan - gerottd. 3 i. 52. That the flare of proM.:ritieis much more dangerotu,then the flare ofaduerfrtie. ? ' $ ;.Thai