Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

16o That euillexamples are very dangerous andhurtfull. CHAP. XVIII. That the companie of the wicked is verse dangerous, by reaf on ofeeoill examples,and corrupt corn_ munication. §.Seas, r. `3 Nd thus haue I Chewed the manifold culls, tvackedexam.. which come of frequenting wicked corn_ pie, allure and j` % pany. In the next place let vs confider of / per wade vs D /- ereva ne.' f °°'e fpeciall meanes, whereby principally thisfocieric becommeth vnto vs thus hurt- full and pernicious; and thefe are either by their examples, or by their allurements and perfwauions. For the flrfl,the fo.. cietie of wicked worldlings is exceeding hurtful] vnto vs, becaufe thereby there are daily fet before vs examples ofe- uill,whereby wee are either allured to imitate and follow their wicked and vngodly pra6life,or at leafl,are much vex- ed and grieued, to fee God fo difhonoured by their finnes. In the former refpe &, looke how many euill examples are before our eies,and fo many flumbling blockes are laid be- fore our feete,to hinder vs in our fpirituall race, and to flop vs in our way,as we are trauelling to our heauenly countrie; and fuch is the corruption ofour nature,that we need no o- therperfwafions to draw vs vnto finne, for euen the fight thereofisa baste fùffïcient to allure vs to imitation. And Intereaufa, hereof it is, that cuen the Heathen man reckoneth t his as malorumno f cau chee a e o f all our ends, becaufe weliueafrertheexam- fìrorum eft quell f viuimus ad ex- pie of the multitude, and are not compefed and ruled by reafon, empia: nec ra but are carried away with enflame; andtbhereasiffew fhould tiastecomponi- doe ir,we would not imitate them,u henar many begin to doeie,we mur,ledcen ¡u- were morehoneFí, becaufeit is tudine abduci- mur,e7c, more common ; andfo errar,when as it is made publicke and ca- Senec.Epift. flomable,is elieemed of vs see the place of truth. Wltereby leap- t 13. peareth,that feeing examples are admitted of vs in place of rules and precepts,therefore the examples ofwicked world- lings muff needs be very powerfull,both in weaning vsfrom that which is good,and in alluring vs vnto euill. In the for- mer