Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

, That euill examples are verle dangerous and hurtful!. r 6 r mer refpeétone faith, that men oftentimesdefire to heare Gods Greá.Sup. word,ber whileFt they beheld others contemptuouflie turning a. Ezech.lib. way theireares, theyalfonegleft the fruinghearing of the truth. How 3. Ind many alto defire to relt contented, and toecap turmoiling in worldly bu f ne(fe,and refoluenot to fubieft themfelues to earth !y deftres; but whilefi they behold others by unquiet labouring to come forlipard is the world,and to bee aduanced veto riches and honours;being not au yet firme and well fetled in the way oftruth, by the mill example ofothers, they flide backe into the way of wic!tedneff. And as theycneruate and weaken our good re- folutions,fo alto they corrupt vs with finne; in regard wher- of one faith, that the tender mind which is vnfetled in that Subducendut which is right,is to be?cilhdrancefrom beholding themultitude; Pepulo eft tener becaufe we are prone togoe with companie ; and caen Socrates, amo., ¢ Paa: Cato and Lnlius, might chance their mind, and bee brought to facile alter theirgoodrefolution by the di f fenting multitude ; fo vnable ad plures,&e. is anyofvs,when aiour dl poficienisbeffcompefed, tobeare the Senec.epif.7. affeult ofvices, when as they comeagainif vs firengt hened with f great a troope. And if one example of luxoerionfneffe or cone - tokifneffe sloth much hurt; if one delicatc,nice and wanton cam. doth by little and littleweakenand effeminate vs ; if one rich neighbour doth kindle our cancupifcence; and ifa malicious companiondoth rub off his ruff, caen vpon him that isinnocent and ingenuoi e, what thinke you willbefallthem, againff whom Tuns fpeEïant combined wickedneffe doth make a common affeult ? As there- lelosoculi l - fore thofe who haue found eies, doe carefully refraine loo- dantur a ipfr. king vpon theirs which are fore and bleared, becaufe euen 43'1' by Peeing them, a fecretpoifon and infediion is tranfinitted, whereby they alto are tainted; and as men in time ofthe plague, do carefullymake choice oftheir aire and company, and auoid them who are infeéed, and haue running fores vpon them ; fo with no letfe care arewe to auoid the fight of wicked examples,and the fellowlhip of fuck as are infe6ted with the plague ofwilfull and prefumptuous finne, becaufe apoifon and infe6tion fecretly commeth from them(as from the crampfilh to the hand of the angler) by the contagion whereof we alto are tainted and infe6 ed. For the plague or leprofie,is ofa fpreading nature, going from one M to.