Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
26a That euillexamp les are very dangerous and hurtfull. to another, vntill it haue infeaed a whole countrie; and as a (lone call into a great water, troubleth not only that part into which it fell, but flirreth vp certaine. circled wrinckles in the face or fuperficies of the water neere about it,and thefe being moued, doe alfo after the fame manner moue. thofe parts which are contiguous the one to the other,till it extend to the very bankes; fó wicked fuggeflions being call; into the mindes ofworldlings, are thence produced into a &,and fo being made cxamplarie to thofe that are about them,eloe not mil thcre,but by contagion fpread themfelues ouer all the countrie. To which purpofe one faith, that no FTemoerrat vni manerreth to himfelfe alone, but cloth difperf and communi- fibi, fed demen- gate his follie to his neighbours, and interchangeably receiueth Liam fpargit is the like from them. And therefore the Vice! of the people are in proximos,acci- euery particular man, becaufe the people communicates them; pttgae soul- and is made toot fe tt felfe wliilefl it makethothers lear- e> aSenee. neth i/t thins, and then teacheth them,and fowickednesgrow.. P eth to a monf rows great nes, that being all call into one heape, which euery one knoweth to be worfl. 4.Sec`i.3 Now as thefe euill examples are in all very hurtfull; fo Buillexamples they are moll pernicious when they are obferued in fupe- offuperiors are riours for feldome doe thefe tall cedars fall,but they beate mollpernic:oas. dowwne alto all the low fhrubs that (land about them. And thus doe maflers by their euill examples corrupt and poyfon their feruants,parentschildren, Magif }rates the people, Mi- niflers their flocks, and molt of all Princes their fubieas, Ea conditio eR feeing all the countrie is readie, either for feare, or flatterie, qicltuq d lariat tò conformeitfelfeto the example of their King ; in regard prænpere vide. whereof(one faith) that Princes alltonsflandfor precepts,and atur.Qinr. their examples haue the power of a law to draw their fub- ieds to imitation. 4.Sell.q . But as their euill examples are very hurtfull, as they cor- Bui/lexamples rupt vs with finne, fo allo in nourifhing pride and fecuritie, nourifh pride, and in hindring ofrepentance; whilef comparing our felues and hinde; re- with others,which haue burli out into greater wickednes, pentanes'. wee are roadie through felfeloueto conceit ourowne ex- cellencies ; and fo whilefl we are wholly taken vp in think- ing how facrewee exceed them in vertue and goodneffe,we ncuer
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