Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

Of the hurt and danger ofcorrsept eom nunicatiox 1.65 one to another, feeing we cannot hue as friends.To this pur- ?ecefe eli aat pore one faith,thatif we be fpeo`tators of the euill conuerfati- imitern ant on ofwicked men,we mull of neceffitie,either imitate or hate oderis :vtrimi .thean ; both which are to be avoided, lei% thou fhouldeîíeither be aka deuitandv itnea - Ike towickedmen,becau l ethe r are many, or anenemietoman y mall, ftae, becaufe they are vnhke : and therefore it is belt fora man ei- pia multi fnnt: they to be conuerfant with hinrtelfe, or to keepe companie nerve inimrcur with thofe who may better him, or that he may better, multir,goia dt ¡_ And thushaue Ifhewed the manifold euils which come of Scna ep fl. 7, wicked company, through their bad examples : vnto which 4,Sefl`.y. we may adde the hurt which we are apt toreceiuebytheir That the coja fpeeches and communication. In which refpeél the focietie fpeeehes of of wicked worldlings is dangerous and hurtîull: firfi, in re- wicked men doe gard that by their fpeeches they corrupt vs ; for being either much pc "' worldly orprophane, and fpent either about earthly things, as profits and.preferments,or in vaine mirth,ribauldry,filthi_ ties, foolifh iefling, and fuch like wicked difcourfesiit com- meth to paffe that by frequenting their company we be- come as worldly as they, having not only-our hearts fall nai- led to the earth, but our tonguestuned to the fame key, vt- tering nothing r but that which fauoureth of the world: and worldly vanities; or which is worfe, being corrupted with their filthie communication, me in the end grow, ifnot to imitate,-yet at leaf+ to like, or nor fo much to diflike them as we ought: for thereis afecreapoifonin worldly and wicked fpeechcs,whichwhen they are admitted into our eares,infu- feth it Celle into our minds, whereby they being corrupted, do.taintalfo all our fpeeches and actions; of which the Apo - file Paul warn.eth vs to take heed, Be not (faith he) deceived, Car r 1.33 .cuill words corrupt good manners : or if they doe not thus cor- rupt vs, thenofneceffitie they do much vex and grieue vs, when as we heave our hcauenly Father thusdifhonored, and _fee thofe, whole companywe frequent, sunning. fwiftlythe r§,Se!.$ way to deftruSlion and condemnation. that nicked Secondly, the fpeeches and familiar communication of mess with tbeir wicked worldlings, are hurtful' and pernicious; as they are alo a f ntsan;d the diuels fpókefinen to wooe our heartsfromGod,perfwa- withdrawour .ding,.alluring and inticing vs to withdraw from him all true hearts from M 3 obedience,, God.