Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

166 Of the hurt and danger of corrupt communication. obedience, by negleéling the duties which he requireth, or committing the vices which he hath forbidden : for we are to know that in this regard worldly men are very_impudent, not flicking in plainetearmes to blow the trumpet of rebel- lion againfì ;od ; and when they cannot catch vs with their wicked company, nor allure vs by their eu ill examples, they. Play not heere, but in dire& fpeeches folicite the dinelsfuite, either difcouraging vs from vertuous adlions, by telling vs that they are needleffe, or too troublefome, either that they will not (land with ourcredit, but traduce our names, and impeach our reputations, or that they are againh our profit and preferment in the world,or elfe prouoking and perfiva- ding, yea alluring and incouraging vs to commit with them fin and wickedneffe by all manner of petfwafions, inticing fpceches, faire promifes and kind vfage : by which baits they labour to draw all who frequent their company into the Mares ofdeflru&ion and perdition. An example whereofwe Gen.39.1t. haue in Putepbars wife, who laying alideall modeflie, ind- eed lofeph vnto finne ; in the harlot alluring the yong man to Pro.7.t3. folly ; and in wicked Ahab, who gave vnto lehojaphat and his followers bountiful} entertainment, that he might here - 1.Chron.18.z. by intice him to goe vp .again(} Ramoth Gilead. Againfl which perfwafions and inueigling'baites, the Wife hian ar. meth vs, laying, cJ (yforme, if finners doe intice thee, content Pro.r .10.11. thou not : Ifthey fay, covet with vs,we willlay?vait for blood,and 13.14. lieprise:ly for the innocent without aeaufe, &c.Wee?billfind all precious riches, and fill our holies wit hIpoile. Call en thy lot a- mong vs, wewillhaue one purje: myfonneThalke not thou in the way with them, refrain thy foil fam theirpath,&c. 4.Se11.9. Thewhich counfell that we may follow with the greater bat there care, let vs confider that theft tentations are exceedingdan- Itedallurements gerous;being vrged by men in our owne l ikeneffe vnder co- arevrrydan- lour of loue, with pretence of our owne profit and aduan- ger°us rage; feeing the Orator which.perfwadeth, and the theame whereon he difcourfeth, are fo pleafing and well accepted of our corrupt nature. But that we may refill fuch wickedal- lurements, let vs know that they are but Syrens longs which intice to leapt into the feaofdefltu6tion,and but the worlds inchant-