Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
Of the hurt and danger of corrupt communication, 167 inchantmenes, whereby confpiring with Satan, it laboureth to carry vs fwiftly vu to hell;like veto that pleafing difcourfe vfed by the old ferpent to our firfi parents, which proinifed to equall their elate with Gods,but in truth made them in as bad cafe as the diuell, had not the Lord in mercie deliuered and reaored them.And therefore let vs flop our cares againh thefe worldly allurements, whereby wicked men intice vs vnto finne,and like the diuelsaduocatsperfwade vs to by the hazarding ofour foules, to obtaine worldly vanities ; or ra- ther let vs,becaufe we wil not heare their bewitching tunes, abandon their company : for as one faith, Nye are in good for- Magna petite. trardneffetotbards the obtaining plow-fouler welfare,whenas we nttatis eft,bor_ leaue the companie oft hofewho perfvadeuntowickednefJe,andgo tat rei¡Ste farrooffa tit afthia hurtfulfocietie. And though they would Senec.lipiti, hill tie vs unto them in the bonds ofloue.; yet let vs abhorre g,t. their company and breake off from them, eheeming them of all others our molidangerous enemies; feeing vnder colour ofgood will, they expofe our foules to vtter dehruóion;and our moil pernicious perfecutors, who by inticing vs veto e- uill, do not kill the bodic alone, but plunge both bodic and Greg.Moral. fould into euerlafl;ing death. ltb.3.cap.rr. CHAP. XIX. That thefriendf iip ofwicked worldlings it to becontent- ned,and carefully unaided. Nd thus haue I (hewed the dangeroufneffe of (),Sear. the worlds temptations, which haue their That true hrength from wicked companie. In the next friendfhip is place we are to fpeake of thofe which are muchto be t- grounded on worldly friendfhip,and to pro - fteemed. pound fome reafons which may moue vs to contemne and auoid it. Where fini we are to know that the following difcourfe tëdeth not to the difgraceoftrue friend - fhip, or to takeway thisneere loue and kindneffe betweene man and man; for this is not only one of the chicle comforts Which fweetens worldly miferies, but a notable helpe and M 4 furtherance
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