Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

The Contents. § 3. That we are m fi carefully to tale heed of the world when it fawneth on vs. 34. § 4. The fruits ofaff liblion much better then ofproßieritie. 35. s, Thegreat danger of profßeritiefhewed by examples offormer ages. 37. § 6. Thereat difference betweene thefamemen in proffreritieand artier ftie. 38. g 7. That proffieritie bath corrupted and defiroyed whole nations. 39 § B. The danger of profberitie, tee» e.d by the experience ofthefe pre - fent times. 40. g 9. The rea fons why pro/fieritie is fo dangerous. 4s § r o. That a great meaftore of grace is required to the well mana- gingofour pro fèerttic. 42. § t t .That we ought to keepe a narrow watch otter ourfelues in the time o f proffieritie. 42. § I2.Howwearefaidtoreftfl the tentationsofpro/fieritie.. 43. CHAP. VI. Reafons whichmay moue vs to contemne worldly profperitie. § t.?roff eritiefel domebetterethourfbiritualleffate. 44. § 2 . The ci eane rflate is to be preferred before great profieritic.45 § 3. That prolfieritieis but one of Gods ordinarie g fts, which he beficweth al ô upon the wic(Zed. 46. § 4. Worldlypro[peritic and heauen y happineffe are feldome be- flowed on the fame men. 47. g 5. Prol eritie abused increafeth their condemnationwho abufe it. Sp. CHAP. WT. Ofmorall ci ill vertues which are in worldlings, and that they are ro be contemned being fettered fiom fanh ifyrng grace. §i. That tail! vertues do not benefice, but hurt thofe that refs in them. 5r. § 2. What is required to a vertete , or al7ion , that it mae be truly good. Firfi, that the perfon be regenerate andingraff `dtn- to Chri9. 53. b 2 § 3.0str