Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

ang :76 THE SECOND BOOKS: WHEREIN THE CHRISTIAN IS armed against thole tentations of the world, which aregrounded, on the alluring baits, of Honors,Riches,and Pleafures, CHAP. I. Of thofe teutationsgenerally which aregrounded vpon worldly things. Nd thus much concerning thofe worldlie tentations, which arife from the perfons of wicked worldlings,both in regard of their focietie and friendfhip. Now wee are to proceede unto thofe which are dram our harts ^'?,,. -; grounded vpon worldly things; al which from God, by the A oalelobs are referred to three heads, to wit, vo- luptuoulnes, whole obieól are vnlaw£ull and immoderate pleafures; couetoufnes, whof obiea are riches; and ambi- tion,whofe obie6 are honours and preferments. y47/(faith he) that is in theworld,as the /tiff of the ffeih (that is, voluptu- oufnes) the WI of theeyes(that is,coueroufnes) and the pride of life,(thar is,ambitiow)ir not of the Father,but is of the world. And thefe are the chicle things which Saran, and the world vfe,as their alluring baites and inueigling fnares, wherewith they allure vs vnto finne, and withdraw our hearts from God,and the loue offpirituall things : thefe are thofe bands wherewith they tie our hearts fail vnto the earth; thefe are the Idols which they let vp in our harts with which world - lings (forfaking the true God) commit groffe idolatrie, by louing and trufling in them more then vponGodspower and That thefe worldly things areSatans chiefe baits to