Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

The Contents. § 3. Our vertues mull arife from the true worlhip of the true God. § 4. Ourvertues mull be grounded upon true godline ff ê. 56 § 5.Our vertues muff arife from true charitie. 57 § 6. Our vertues mul be grounded on true knowledge. 58. § 7. Our vertues mull be ioyned with true faith. 58_ § 8. All our vertues mug be embraced and good workos done in obedience to God. § 9. With allothervertues we m /l'ioyne humilitie. 59 § Io. /Hour venues and worloes mull haue Gods glory propoun- dedto them as their chiefe end. 6o. § I I . That worldling! in their cited! vertue, and worker obferue none o f theformer conditions. 61. § t . That we are to contemne ciuillvertues, and to hunger after Chrot righteoufneffe. 63. CHAP. VIII. Offpirituall wifedome, §. I.Of ffiirituai wifedome which is commended onto vs in the Scriptures. 64 §. s. Wherein/fsiritua(lwifedome confifleth. 66. 5.3.Spirituallwifedomete alwayes ioyned with prcilife andobe- diene. 66 5.4. Spiritual! wifedome is to be learned only out o fGodr word.67 §. 5. The true properties of/f irituall wifedome. 68 §. 6. That f fiirituall w fedome is to behighly efleemed. 69 CHAP. IX. Ofciuill and worldly wifedome, and how farre forth to be embraced,& in what re(pe6Is to be contemned. §. I.O fciuill wifedome and the cautions thereunto required that it may be good and lawful!. 7o 5.2.Of worldy mifedome which is wicked andvnlawfull.FÜfl,be- caufeitisioynedwithpride. 72 §. 3. Worldly policy is wicked when it it fettered from fimplicitte andJnceritse, 73 §. 4. Worldly