Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
1130 Cfhonours,riches,and pleafures. 4fperum cut- and vncombed, a rough and neglei-led beard, profeffed hatred a. sum, . toton- gainil money, lying vpon theground, and uh. atfoeuer elfe,rshere- um ca nti i by men labour to areainevitro their ambitious ends, though they barbam,et in_ go a contrarie may:euen the name of Philolophy it in felf it odiosa diolwnargento enough, although it be pro fejjed with all humanitie andeinilaie; od uns, ttcubile and how muchmore if tbebegintowithdra -v ourfelues from the holm pofieum, cuftome and conuerfttion ofinen ?Let vs labor to haue all things etgnitqu!d unlike worldling! within vs, but let our outward countenance alíud ambitio- itemperue,fa and ¡hew agreewiththem : let not thy clothes glitter, let them v;a ¡equitur, not befluttißi; let vs not affe8ttohauefluer plate deepeyinlayed Aerate. and imboffedwith gold : neitherlet vs thinl&e it a fgne of f uga- litie to want gold andAuer: Let vsfludie to lead a better life then the common fore, and not a contrarie ; othertbife whtleft we la- bour to amend them, Abe !ball driue them away, and turn them fora vs : yea it will hereby come to page, that they will imitate nothing in vs,whileit they feare left they lhould imitate all things. Philofophie doth-in the very entrancepremife the vie of common reafon, humanitie and focietie, from which this difftmihtude of profellion diuidethvs.Let vs take heed leM theft things,forwhich we deftre to be admired, do become ridiculous and odious :we pro- pound veto our feluesto lose according to nature; but this is con - trarie to nature to torment a mans ourse badie,to hate ea lily -pro. curedhandfomeneffè, to affeît bealllynafltneff, and to feed on meats not only court and homely, but fluttiA and lot hf owe. As It fauoureth of luxurioufneff e to defiredelicacies,fo offolly to auoid the vfe ofcommon meat es, which may be prouidedat eafe rates. Philofophiereguirethiugalitie, not punifhmert andtorture,&e. He is a manabfolute and complete that v ferh earthen veils as though theywere flitter, and he alto tbhich vfethfritter as though iswere earth. /tisa fgneofaweak! mind not to be able to en- dureriches. §:Silt.5. Seeing therefore theft earthly and worldly things are not To the right vie to be contemned and reieôled becaufe they are in their own ofworldly nature good, and the bleffings ofGod ; and in refpe6t of vs, things is regot- i g ood vnto the good who v e them well, and profitable fer- red, f;t4, that g P our perfnns be uants when as they are gouerned and difpofedby a wife and t egeuerate. vertuous mind; let vs in the next place confider how we may fo vie them, as that they may be vnto vstruly good and efli- mable
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