Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
1.3t. Of the right v fe of honours,riches,andpleafures. on himby God:wheras ifwe oucrualue thefe earthly things; and preferre theft trifles before the rich creatures of Gods graces, and our heauenly inheritance and patrimonie .in his kingdome, the Lord in mercie will either withhold them from vs,if we be his children,orifwe hauethem,will difpof- idle vs ofthem for ourabufe,vntill we haue learned to make Admonendi a right vfe of them. i.Andthere fore chofewho emoy this world- fist,qui in hoc, ly profleritie are to be admonifhed,that when they haue all things quod tempora according to their hearts deity, they do not negleil to feel,e after literappetunt' the chiefe f ountaine of all their goodneffe, nor fix their minds vp- cummcranlu,ne on theft things when they enjoy them, left they elfteme and loue cum curdle' a f votnm ¡uppe- their pilgrimage in fiend of their countrey, ana turne the helpes tunt,antem and comforts oftheir Tourney, into hinderances ofattainingvn- quarereneg- to their iourneyes end and left they be (o delighted with the ,&r. light ofthe cfrioone as that the y ne g lel the Puition of the Suns Greg par.3.adtnon. brightnes; bur effeeming thefe earthly things, thecomforts of 27. their calamitie, and not the rewards of retribution : let them lift vp their minds about allworldly fauours,leFt with alltheir hearts delight they wholly refff in them : for bee that contemneth not lberldly proffieritie, in comparifon of that loue which he bearetb tea better life, heturneth the fauoars ofthis tran/itorie life, in- to theoccafion o f eternal! death. Finally, let them fo elleeme and vfe theft outward things, as that they may not withdrA their mind from the de fire ofheauenly loue; and that they do not take away the grit fe ofour pilgrimage,feeing they Mould only fern for fomefmallcomfortsin the place of our banifhment, nor caufe vs fo to rtioycein theft tranftorie things, as though we had at- tained unto happoses, feeing as long as we paffe ffethem,we are de- priued o f thefe ioyes that areeternal!. That ought fo1he ought not to fet our hearts and affeuiotsuvpon them; neticfetour immoderately louing, and ouer eagerly defiring them; but beárt, and affe- viing them as.though we fed then) not, let vs giue God our Coons upon hearts, and ter our affe lions and def res vpon fpirituall and :heft arrh {y heavenly things; let vs afford vnto them force reliques of our loue, and fo much only as better things leaue; for that which is luke-warme and too cold for God, and thole bra- uenly excellencies is hot enough for thefe earthly trifles;and as
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