Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

Of rherightvfe of honour.e,riches,sndpleafteret. 183 as one faith, Let vs rather tolerate then loge them, beaufe as r'oleremus po. the worlds aduerfitieismanif ellly pernicious,fo his pros eritieistiusprefeutra beet falf fatterte: and in another place, Loue not (faith he) quamdü;ga_ mut: adunefo- temporall things, which if they might bee well lotted, that man rum mani f fia would haue hued them, which the Sonne of glod affirmed ; neit her ci? pernicier, yet fearecontumcl ies ,creffes and deatk,becaufeif they would hurt Profpesos:on i- a man, hewould not haste fuffered them. But this is to be vnder -1 ei blande. tie, flood comparatiuely in refpes l offpirituall things, as he cit.. Luc.r8,Serm. poundeth himfelfe elfewhere: God doth not (faith he) forbid a9, thee to lone thefe things, if thou doe not loue them as thy chiefe P(olire happines, butfo to allow and commend them, as that thoumayeft benoè am retr- much morelone thy Creator: for e f the bridegroome hauirggiuen fur, t.Aug, his flooufearing, the fhould more loue it then the 6ridegroome de Agon. himfelf, fliouldfhe not euen in the very gift ofher hufbäd fbew an Chrift,hb. adulterous mind,alt hough fhe fliould loue her hu fbandsgift? And "IL" o robí- in another place, The Apefiile willeth vs, not to loue e/Oe'orld : i Verse iita he doth not (faith he)forbid vs to haue it, but to loue it: but thou aware,fed non haft it, peffeffeff tt,andloeseli it :and fo this loue ofearthly things deligeread be- becommeth the birdlime that intanQleth thy f/e rrtuall wings. a de e. ñ Howfoeuer therefore wee may affeól: thefe worldly things t.toh.Tra& with fome (mall loue,yet it ought to be as farre fhort of that ?ion dixit ne- intire loue which we beare to God, and his fpiritualland litebabere, heauenly gifts, as thcfe vainc trifles come fhort of them infidnólitedi.' worth and excellenciesyea in truth the loue ofGods temp ltgere.Ser.33. rarie gifts, fhould (crue but as little fparkes to, inflame our toms°. hearts with the loue of the giuer ; and but as flees whereby we may afcend and mount aloft vnto that diuinc and hea- uenly louc.For why do we loue the (e tborldly things,bur becaufe Quareamat they are beautiful!, and can they be fo beautifull as he that made fquia pub them? Thou admire! t hefe things, becaufe thou feat not his ex- tyro Pant ? pof- cellencies,butlearneby thole things thouadmireit,tolouehim funteffetam whom thou deeft not fee. Qjeefton and inquire oft/se creature, pulchraquam and ifit haue it being of itfel fe, then re FE in et ; but if et haue it a lefatfa Pun;legit being from him, it is in me other res et hurtftsll to him that lo- V51.79 AL?. uethit, but as he preferrth it before him that created it. nAnd Purga amorem therefore purge thy/sue, and turne the/treame thereoffrom thet11fím,aquam filehiefincke and chaemelleftheworld ,intothegardenaisdPara ue temenclo- atam Conunte dife of God; and what beate and feruencie it bath to the world, ad bortum :Ia N 4 let Pfa1.3r,cnar.