Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
184 Of the right vfe of honourr,riches,and pleafMres. letit be all bellowed on the Creator of the world. Finally, how - foeuer wee may vfe thefe earthly Wettings when God be. floweth them,yet we are to be careful! that we doe -not take ourchiefeioyand comfort in them, but rather in the Lord who, gave them, in the fruition of his fpirituall graces,and in the affuranceofour heauenly kingdome.ForGod didnot giue vs thefe worldly cottages that wee fhould ioy in them, and negle6t our (lately palace; he did not bellow on vs thefe toyes and trifles that we fhould refs in them,and contemne our heauenly patrimony;but only he giueth vs thefe courier mutes, to flay our (lomacks fora time,till we come to the great (upper of the Lambe; and cafleth vnto vs, as vnto tittle children,thefc pleating vanities, to keepe vs from cry- ing and complaining,till we come to age,and are capable of his heauenly excellencies,and of thofe glorious gifts of in. comparable value. And therefore as wee arenotalwaies to be children in knowledge, fo.neither let vs be children in affeélion,doting vpon thefe earthly trifles which were only giuen vs for a time to vfe,and negle6ling in re fpeEt of them Gods fpirituall graces,and that heauenly happineffe, which Rçs alit lout is prouided for vs to enioy. For as one faith : There are fome guibus faun- things of which we are to haue thefruition,fome things which we dot bust, alia are to vfe, and fame things which wee are both to enioy and vfe. tm,ali a qua Thole things which Wee are to eni y, doe make vs bleffed;with fiuuutur et,. v thefe things which we are to vie we are helped and relieued, trbi- tuntur,&e. left we are trauelling towards this blef dnefe;that fo we may at- Aug.dedót3. taine unto it,andfet our hearts vponit. New ifwee'ho poffeffe Chrül.lib.s., and vje them, hawing them fit before vs, will enioy thole things, eap.3.4, which Wee Jbauld Andy ?up; our courfc and iourney is thereby ftaied, and femetimes alfo wee areput out of ourway, leaft kindredin our courfe, or turned 6ac4 again, from the obtaining of theft things which wee flieu ldenjoy, being untangled with the lotte of thefe terreflriall vanities. For to enioy a thsng,isWith all oar loue te adhere.vnto it, for it owne fake; io vfe it, is to referre that which Wee vfe, to the obtami,o ofthat which wee loue ,ifat leaf? it be worthie to be beloued: for vnlalifull vfe is rather to be-tearmed abufe. As .therefore if being pilgrimes,which cannot hue happily burin our owne count rie; and bèing diftrefed in this our
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