Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
Of the right vfe of bonours,riches,and pleafure:. 185 ourpilgrimage, and delring to haue an end ofour mtferies, wee fould refolue to returne into our crone countrie ;for which pur- pofe wee /hauld haue need to vfe either fhips or waggons, thatfo )bee might come to our countrie, which wee were to enioy : but if now the fweetnes and pleafantnes of the Tourney, and our riding in the chariot,Jhould fo delight os,that wee fl,ould begin to enioy theft things,\bhich we ought only to oft, ?ce ìbould not make any Eta/ie to end our journey; and being intangled with this outward fweetnet,our mindes would be alienatedfrom cur countrie,whofe trite andfolid delight, would make vs happie : fo being pilçrimes and exiles from God in this mortall life, if *re will returne in- to our countrie where wee may bee bleffed, wee muff only vfe this worldand not enjoy it,that wee may behold the inerifible things of God in our onderflandings,by chofe creatures which are vi,6ble, that fo after the vfe of corporali and temporall things, wee may attaine onto the fruition ofthófewhich are flsirieuall and et er_ null. To which purpofc alto he faith elfewhère : I am not - o et;gnero norant that f uite u offuition,vfe of v find ; and that this d :- grad peeoriè rence is between them,that we are fetid to enioy that thing,'rhich /reüus f uen. is not referred to another,but delighteth vs for it cline fake; and vtue,nzjits s f to v f e that tbin g which hde f rod f oranother: and therefore táue.decinir, are rather to vfe temporall things then to enjoy them ; that fo we deLli i, t t. may obtame thole things which are eternal!: and not to be Of chofe peruerfe men, who willenioy their gold, and ofe their god; becau/e they doe not beflo.v their money for Gods fake., but only wort ip God for their monies falle. And thus are we to vfe thefe earthly things both in refpea 4 setrf.. of our eaimation in iudgement,and affeaion, in louing and rho,n:muß defiling them, and accordingly muff ourpraóìife alfobe in fi,Jlfeeke ¡pi_ Peeking them :for feting they are to be bafely valued, and ritual! and bees- coldly loued,in companion of fpirituall & hcauenly things, á vi th Z thereofit all() followet,r,that in refpedf ofthefé,they are to iythin stntbe be flackly followed and fought after in our pra6fife, and toll plate. thole things chiefly,and in the firff place to belaboured for, that areofa muchmore excellent nature, which being in- ioyed will make vs truly blefíed. For as in worldly things, fuch as are effcemed of great value are fought after in the firfc place,and chofe which are of meane worth, are put off to
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