Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

a 86 Of the right rife ofhanours ,richer ,anel pleaflres.. to better leisure; fo answerably (thefe heauenly and fpiri- tuall treafures,much more excelling all worldly things,then the richefidiamond in the world, the vileft pc eble !lone) it were no better then fottifh madneffe, if we fhou!d notgiue voto them the firli place,as in our do fires,fo in all our labours and endeuours,efpecially confidering, that it will be no hin- drance at all to the attaining of worldly benefits, if we gibe the prioritie to thole which are heauenly ; both becaufe it is as impoflible by our owne care and induftrie to adde any Mar.6.27. thing to our fiint,in our earthly eftate, as to adde therbypne cubit vnto our bodily flature ; and alto because wee hase a promise from God, whole bleffing only maketh our etiate prosperous, that if wee will feeke thole better things firfi, thefe which are worfe (hall be cart vpon vs, as it were ad- uantages into the maine bargaine. For fo our Sauiourexhor- Mar.6.33. teth vs, ftrff tofeeke thekrngdame of God, and his riehteaufnes, ,snd all thefe thingsfoall be winiffred unto vs. 4.Secá.9. And as wee are not to feeke there earthly benefits in the That we muff firfi place, fo neither mutt we at all feeke them for their own net ['eke thefe fake,propounding them as the maine end ofour labour: for earthlythings this were to make them our fummum bonum, and of infe- faakébeirowne riour and meane goods,to efleeme them chiefe and princi- pall ; but wee mull in labouring after them,aime chiefly at the glorifying of God by the vfe of them, at the'good of the Church, common - wealth, and ofour neighbours; and finally at the furthering ofour owne faluation. Neithermul* we euerbe at refl., though by ourindufirie wee haue attai- ned vnto abundance of thefe things, vnleffe in the vfe of them wee further there ends : nor at all regard thefe crea- ,Vcquid nebi, tures,vnleffe we imploy them fo,as that their vfe doth glue adeß 'meter de- vnto vs Tome affurance ofthe lone ofthe Creator. For w hat - um noftru ",non foeuer wee haue without our God, it is not fweete ; neither elf duke: Nolu- are we to efieeme any thing which he giueth, vnleffe alfa he mus arsnia Y a g > gr,ædedit,f non giue vs himfelfe who giueth all. And as the infant being dar feipfum qui richly adorned with precious iewels, and coyly clothing, omnia dedir. Both not at all efleeme them when he is hungrie, but taketh Au i un all his delight in fucking the mothers breafi: fo a Chrifiian yelut in fans man,eueu when he aboundeth in all worldly things, taketh Liroundatus little