Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
Fiabac4 .t6. r.Tin1.4.4. t. t 88 Ofhonoir:. as it is a meanesto deriue Gods Welling vpon it,and to ob. taine the afiiflance ofhis holy fpirit,wherby we are inabled eovfe it aright, and according to Gods will reuealed vitto vs. Secondly,we mull not when we haue thefe things, fa- en fice to our Arse nets, as the Prophet fpeaketh; nor afcribe the praife either to our ovine merits, or to our induflry and labour; for this were to rob God ofhis roiall prerogative, and to take occafion by his gifts to difhonour.the giuer;but acknowledging with al humility,that whatfocuer we haue, we haue receiued it from the Lord ofhis meere bountie and goodneffe,we mullreturne vnto him all praife andthankC giuing,the which is that tribute & homage which our bra - nenly King requireth ofthem,who hold their poffeffions,by the tenure ofhis free mercie. And thisisone ofthe conditi- ons which the Apoflle requireth to the making ofthe crea- ture good to our .vfe; Emery creature of God(faith he) isgoad, :fit t e received with thanke fgiuing. Finally, poffefling thefe earthly bleflings we are carefully to imploy and vfe them, fo as that they may fettle for furtherances andhelpes veto vs, for the better performing of al Chriflian duties,that fo ther- by God may be glorified, our neighbours edified, and our owne faluation furthered, and more and more affured voto vs :and that we vfingour mailers talents to the bell aduan. tage,may, being found faithfull in little;bemade rulers over much,and enter into our wafters ioy. CHAP. II. 0fhonourt,and What cautions and conditions are requi- red onto them,that they may he unto wgood and (awful. Nd thus much in generall ofthc'lawfull vfe ofworldly things. In the next place we are to fpeake particularly of the right vfe ofho- nours,riches and pleafures. Where firfl we are to know, that honours are oftwo forts, the one lawfull and laudable theother worldly and wicked. The O fthe dimes: kinds of ho nero.
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