Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
The Contents: g. 4. Worldy mifedome is to be contemned, firft, becaufe God of ee meth it not. 74 g, 5.7-hat the dinel lis the aut hour ofworldlywifedome. 75 g. 6. Worldy wifedome refembleth Satan in malicious oppofinga- gainfl God. 75 §. 7.7 hat the wifedome oftheworld is fooliflinef f'e with God.. 76 §. 8. Worldly wifedome ioyned with lying andvntruth. 78 g, 9. Worldly wif cdomegronnded vpon d jmulation and deceipt. 78. g. to. Worldly wifedortcisgrounded vpon treachery and treafon. 79. §. xi. Worldly wifedome propoundeth wicked ends, 8o §. 12. That worldly wifedome hath bene alwayes embraced and much efleemedin the world. 80 §. r 3. That worldly wifcdome vnderflandeth not the fpirituall things of god. 82 §. 14. The reafon why worldly w fedome vnderflandeth not the things of Gód. 83 g .15. Worldly. wifedome doth not certainly affure men ofthe vain things of this life. 85 §. 16. god turneth worldly wifedomeintofoolifbne f fe. 86 S. 17. Worldly w fedome hindereth the fruition of f irituall bene- ftes. 87 S. i 8. Worldlywifedome doth notpriuiledge menfrom Gods feare- full itsdgements. 88 5. 19. That worldly wifedome bringeth with it much hurt. 88 5. 20. Other cullsinto which worldly wifedome plungeth men. 89 5.21. That we are to contemne worldly wi fedome , and to labour after that-which is diuine and fßirituall. 90 CHAP. X. That worldly learning feucred from true godlineffe is to be contemned. g. r . That learning in it owne nature is good and very commen- dable. 91 S. 2.That worldly learning becommet h suit! vnto vs when it is a- bufed. 92 b 3 , S.3.That
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