Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
What is required togood and lam full honours.. 195 uil is to be delred,and we are as much as in vs lieth,to walke vnblameably before all men,and to be without rerroofe.For euen the Apoftle himfelfe laboured in the declaration of the truth to approue himfelfe, to etirry mans confciencein the fight .Cot.42. of God.And lefl any man fhould limit this indofinit fpeech to the Church only;hc requireth alfo,that he who into be cho- fentotheo(fce of a Bifhop, Jhouldhewell reported of, earn of i.Tha.j.9. them which are without, left he jhould ftll into rebuke, and into the fore of the diuell: becaufe as by our good liues we fhould edifie our brethren, fo all() as much as in vs lieth, we fhould helpe forward the conuerl on of them that are not yet cal- led : whereas then we are required to negleól and contemne the good report ofworldlings, it is to be vnderflood refpe- óliuely, in compatifon ofthe approbation ofGod, ourowne confciences,or the godly,when both cannot (land together : neither mull we in our alions mainly aime at their praifes; but rather our care mull be, to giue vnto them no full caufe ofeuill report; and then neither to be much troubled if they defame vs, feeing our cafe is common with our mailer, nor yet too much affedled with their praifes,when they do com- mend vs ; but yet ifcontinuing in well -doing and in an vp- right courfe, pleafing both toGod and good men, we may haue their good word, in refpe 5 that they through fotne common grace receiued, do begin to like fume tnorall ver- rues in vs, or doe loue our perfon by reafon offotne naturali parts which they affeól, or in refpcel ofeommon humanitie, kindred, alliance or fome benefit receiued,we are to nourifh ratherthen negleól it, not only for ourowne fakes, who na- turally delire to be well fpoken of by all, but for theirs efpe- cially, in that hereby wee may helpe forward their conuer- lion, and bring them by degrees from the louing ofour per_ fons, to the liking and entbrating ofour religion and con_ uerfation. Seixc.8. And fo much for the perlons from whom honor and good §3 ea a-8. eflimation is tobe fought : the next thing to be obferued, is, That honour to that as we are to feeke it from the good, fo all() for true ver- defired for ,er- tues and good ac`lions; for honor is the reward wherewith tues and good God crowneth vertue,& his good gifts and graces in his fer- anions. 0 2 cants,
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