Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
The Contents. S. 3. That worldly learning is to be contemned, becaxreit doth not profite vs. 94 S. 4. That worldly learning is vaine,and of no excellency. 96 S. 5. worldly learning helpethvs not to the attaining of Gods fpi- rituallgraces. 97 4.6.Worlelly learning helpeth not to the attaining o flife eternal.99 S. 7 .That worldly learning march hurter) thole nhtch fet their hearts vpon it. 99 S. 8. That worldly learning is to be contemned in comparifan of the true knowledge of GGod. too CHAP. XI. That worldly fciences are of no worth in comp arifon of fpirituailknowledge and fauing grace. S. I . Arts and fciences in thennfeluesgood,and the gif s of God.I M r S.2. How wordly fciences are ahufed. 102 4.3. That world y fciencts are to becontemned. 102 CHAP. XIr. That vnfruitfull knowledge of God , and his true fell. gion,is vaine and vnproftable. S. I. Knowledge of Godard his truth in it filfe an excellent gift of God, but yet loable to the abrs¡eofworizJcngs. to; 4. 2. That our knowledge is maimed and imperfec ?. tog. S. 3. Thatvnfuitfsellknowledgeisvaine ,andtonoperpofe. to6 §. 4. That vnfraitflkyowt ekeis vnprofitable. 107 S. 5. That vnfruitfullknowledge dath much hurt vs, and6rf1 in ¡Pet! ofour bodies. i o8 S. 6. Vnfruit fodiknewledgemuch hurteth yr inre /pell of ourfoules; fir i, as it puf eth vs vp withpride. 109 4.7.Vnfruirfiallknowledge asgraseateth our otherfnnes. 110 S. 8. VnfruitfJl knowledge increafeth our reckoning at the day of judgement. 1 I 1 CHAP. XIII. That beautie is to be contemned in refpea offpirituall graces, or heauenly excellencies. S.1. That
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