Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
zoo what is regairred vitto honotsrrthat they may begood, &e, muff bez.rd that wewillvfc onlygood'meanes for the obtaining alit: f for even common realon will teach vs not co hazard things qs yghoneur. which weefleeme offitch infinite value,for the obtaining of" thofe which in comparifon wee doe but meanely refpeel. Whereas con trariwife when as wee ouerprife honours and preferments,and too much fet our hearts vpon them iris a flrangtentation to moue vs, to the vfe of wicked and vn- lawful! meanest for the compafling of them, when as thole which are lawful! faile; as wee may ice in the example of Caine, Abrmelech, tAb/alon, Haman and many others. And thus ordinarily men offend who affect their owne prailes by others difpraifes, and grace themfelues by the difgrace of their neighbours,treading vpon the necks ofthofe,who are better then themfelues,that they may ferne as fleps whereby they may rife into the feats of honour. And fo likewife they who labour to aduance themfelues by Machiauellianpoli- ties ,treacherie,falfehood,hypocrifie and deceit;. not caring how difhonefl the means be,nor how foule the way, fo they may at their iourneys end come to thepalace ofhonour,and attaine unto the glorie of the world. But among many o- ther, I cannot omit that vfual! courfe of bribing, fo much praólifed in thefe dales; whereby men blufh not,toafpire vnto all preferments,although it were fo odious euen to the -very Heathens,who had nothing but the light of nature to guide them, that they made laves again[t this ambition, condemning him who afpired by gifts to honours and pre- ferments,in an hundred peeces ofgold,andwith perpetual! leaJulia. infamie and difgrace. And yet among vs who profeffe.Chti- flianitie,noway fo commonly leadeth to the palace of ho. Hour as this filucr fireete. But ifwe would haue our honours lawfull,fo as wee may haue true comfort in enioyingthem, wernuflauoidall thelewicked comics, and vfeanelythofe aneanes which are lawful! and honefi for the procuring of 4 e. y z them. Sa Furthermore; if wee would haue our honours good and n i p oe mad lawful! unto vs, we muff not in our courfes and ac`lions pro- pound them as our maine and principali ends, but alwaies ascur chicle make them infetiour and fubordinate to the glorie ofGod, andmilitated. letting 'V1
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