Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

what is required mite honours that they may begood,e-c. 201 letting that before vs as our chicle and lati end, in all our Laudari hand words and aaions,and only defiring our owne fame and re- meexam, "Pe putation, as it doth like an humble handmaid attend upon en bya icon. it. And this end our Sauiourpropoundeth,willingvs,to ter red reetiArm- our lightsRine before me r,t hat they feeino ourgood marker may clue extremum- glòrifie our Father whieb isin heauen t And his holy Apofile que offs recufo .., ehargeth vs,that whether we cate ordrtnke, or u hatj oeuer wee EnBe tuum et doe,that all be referred t o theglorie ofgod. Now this we doe,. b: t; &c. Neff. when as finding oura6lionstendingtotheaduancement of g a Mar.ç.t 6. Gods glory,we refolutely goe forward in them, although t. that they tend to our difcredit and difgraceamong men,not caring who fpeake euill ofvs,fo that we be affured that God approueth vs;according to theexample ofthe Apoflle, who confían Ely went forward in his Chrillian courfe,6y honorand drfhonor,erl reportand000d report. And when as holding on 2.Cor.6.s. in this way, wee are difhonoured among men, yet !hall wee haue no want ofhonour,feeing the Lord himfelfe will be our glory,and vp our heads,when as men feeke to tread vs vn- derfoot,astheProphet Dauid fpeaketh. Whereas on the o- Pfal.3.3.6t ther fide,ifwe chiefly aime at our owne praife; we (hall haue 62.7. the hypocrites reward; if we affebí popularitic,and feeke in Galó.t ó the firfí place to pleafe men,that fo we may be had honour and efleeme,wee (hall haue little comfort by it, feeingwee plainely Phew hereby, that wee are not the feruancs of refits Chrifí; ifweloue the praife ofinen,more then the praife of God; and thus immoderately feeke the praife one ofano- Ioh $ , ther, wee are deflitute of true faith, as -our Sauiourtcllcth VS. Finally,ifwe would baue our honours good and lawfull, 4. Sea.i3, we m ufl not let them, when they are atcnbed vnto vs, refí We mu,$ not with vs;but returne them wholly vnto the Lord,from whom let honour ref/ hntb we haue receitted whatfoeuer is commendable,andpraife- ü nevi wholly worthie in vs. And as bright fhining and golden veflèls,do ;7076-pd. utoGod not recaine thebeames ofthe Sunne whiçh they receiue, but returnethetn backe,and- double them by refe6lion ; fo ha- uing from the Su!me of righteoufneilè thefe bri;gh;beames of his grace and vertue, not onely tp warme our hearts, but afro to Thine in our words and-aCIions,wu are Fo reflec`í them backe