Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
lot Wbat it regriired vite honour: that they may begood, &e. backe again with all.praife due veto them,feeing from him Tatn.,.r7. alone we haue receiued them. Foreuerygoadatedperfcít gift r.Cor.4.7. conrmeth from him ; and what hanewe that we fiaue not recei. teed, from this fountaineofali goodneffe ? And as theriuers receiving their fulneffe from the Ocean,pay their tribute by returning their fireames vnto it backe againe, tchich ho- mage if they fhould denie toyeeld, theirfiaelling waters would beare down their own banks,and drowne the coun- tric: fo we receiuing from the infinit ocean ofall goodneffe, whatfoeuer fulneffe wee haue of grace and vertue,and the praifes which are due veto them, are by humble acknow- ledgement and thankfgiuing,to retorne vino him the whole honour of them; which tribute if we refute to pay,and Phew our rebellion againft our great Lord, by incroching vpon his right,thinking to grow rich by robbingofhim,and kee- ping all to our owne vle; thefe gifts thus retained,wil I make vs butto (well with pride, and breaking downe the bankes ofmodeflie and humilitie, will not onely emptie vs of all grace and goodneffe,but make all our good parts we haue, hurtfull and pernicious vnto all that are about vs. And ther- fore letvs, when God giueth vs his graces, and the honour due vnto them,crie out with the people of God : Not veto 1)51.115a. vs O Lord,net veto vs,but vat° thy name gine theglerte,for thy loutnQmercie, and for thy truth, fake. Let vs when wee are fruitf Ill in the workes of pietie and righteoufneffe, con feffe 1.Cor. t with the Apof'le, that iris not wee, but the grace o fÇodthat duelleth in Vs; and when we haue thefe crownesofhonour beaowecl on vs for our venues and good parts; let vs with the foure and twentie Elders,cafl them downe at Gods feet, before his throne,acknowledging him alone worthie, ofall honour,glory and power, becaufe he is the author and crea- tor of all goodneffe ; and with the bleffed Angels and Apoc.7.1 z. Saints,crie out aloud Paying; Praife and glory, and and thanks, aid honour and power, and might, be unto our Clad forauermore, Amen. For the fuller our mouthes are ofGods praifes, and our hearts of humilitie and thankfulneffe, the more will the Lord inrich vs with his graces,and.powre into our minds and foules, the precious oile of vertue and all goodnes,
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