Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
".,-_.ou,-,_ That honour: are to bedcfred. 201 comforts, whereby we maybe flrengthened and helped for - in running this ChriRian race ofrighteoufneffe. Againe, we are bound by the CommandementsofGod, 4,Sec.zo. to do all that we lawfully can to obtaine a good name, and That me are topreferue our honor and reputation among men:for wher_ bandbyGods as we are commanded to honor our parents,vnder whom are commandemenr vnderflood all foperiours, whether it be in gouernment and bloat "Q¡good authoritie, or in Gods graces, gifts and venues; we are allo name, inioyned to haue the like care of our own honor, when there is this fbperioritie in our felues, becaufe charitie beginneth TLn at home; and ourowne loue is the rule of that loue which we owe to others : whereof it is that the Apoíle chargeth Tinsat hie that he fhould not delpile Gods gifts beflowedon him. And fo allo, whereas in the ninth Commandement, God requireth that we fhould neither hurt, nor yet be wan- ting to the fame and good report of our neighbours : it is a1- fo commanded that we be alike careful' to keepe our fame and reputation, without blemifh or impeachment; or elfe we tranfgreffethe commandement of Almightie God, and wound our owne confciences with Can : for as he is guilde of the breach of the fixth CSmandement, who is wanting vn- to himfelfe, in the meanesofpreferuing his owne life,and of the feuenth who doth not vfe all good means to preferue his owne chaflitie;fo likewife ofthe fift and ninth Commande- ments, who hash not a lawfull & laudable care ofpreferuing his own honor and reputation.And hereofit is,that becaufe negle& ofour fame isafnne , and fin isSatansfnare, where- with he catcheth & intangleth vs;therfore the Apolfle faith, that a Bit'hop mail be well reported of erren of them which are 1,Tim,3.7. without, lea he fall into rebuke, andinto thefnare ofthe dieteld. And thus haue I fhewed bothwhat is required to lawful ho- nour, and the reafons which Ihould moue all to delire and efleeme it, to the end that thofe reafons which (hail hereaf- terbe brought to perfwade to the contempt, and Phew the vanitie ofworldly and carnal honors,may not make vs neg- le& the good-with the bad, or defpife that which God, would haue vs to value anddefire, for want of due diflin- ¿lion. CHAP.
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