Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

That riches are good in their emne nature. t o 8 That riches aregoodin themfelaes, and indifferent, &C. CHAP. III. Ofriches, and that they are food in themfelues, and indáf- firent in res`ett oft heir vfs. Auing fpoken ofhonours and of their lawful! vfe:in the nextplacewe are tofpeak ofriches, which alto are in their owne nature good, as being the creatures ofGod,whofe goodneffe a Gcn.i.3 a. was approued by his owne a teflimonie : nei- Gen.z.r r.Ia. therwcre they only good in the flate ofinnocencie,but men after the fall, tieing in the Scripturesthey are laid to be the bgiftsofGod:f orfoitisfaid ,thatGodgauelobhiswealth; r.z1. and the Lord profeffeth,that he gauc vnto the Ifraelires their eHo!:z.8. e come, and wine and oyle, and multiplied their filuer and gold : yea they are not only faid to be gifts, but benefits and a Deut.2.8.1. d rewards,which God promifeth to bellow vpon them that ferue him, as we may fee at large in the booke ofDeutcro- P(a1.I I z. I.3. nomie ; and threatneth it as a punifhment of finne to depriue them of thefe benefits : and fo the Pfalmifi; faith, that riches and treafures /hall 6e in his bottle that feareth the Lord. And Pto.IO :zz, that which is yet more, they are called the a bleffingsof o God : fo the Wife man faith; that the bleging of the Lord mif- f Gen,z612..' % Zethrish, andhedothaddenoforroives with it :and thus itislaid 39.30.27. in the Scriptures by a vfuall phrafe,that God f blefled thole Iob 42.12. who were inriched, and fo they waxed rich.And as the Lord befiowed.riches as his gifts,benefits and bleflïngs, fo he re- quired that they fhould be offered voto him againe in facri- fices and oblations, and vouchfafed voto them this honor,to tExod.3ç.f6, haue his g Tabernacle and Temple made and adorned with them. Finally, the Lord hash befiowed them vpon many of his good feruants, and made them to be vnto them true be- h aadbygm f faithful, Gen.r3.z ¡ If cln maY otherswhodidnotonl offefle 26.7. thefe gifts ofGod, but alfo by the holy vfe of them, glori- iob 1.3. fled him,and were the better inabled to all good and Chri- flian duties. But