Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

The Contents; S. I .That beautieregood, ae being the gift ofGod. 113 S. 2. What is required to makebeau/itgoodvetovs. 114 §. 3. Beatific ofthe body without the beaxtie ofthe mind , is of no worth. 115 s. 4. Team ie becommeth exit/ when we are proud of it , or fet our hearts vpon it. 116 5.5, Bea.atie is but agift common with the brxtifi, creatures. 118 §. 6. The vanitieof beauty proued by t e¡ltmonies. 119 S. 7. The werthle,/ne ire of bemuse prouedby reafon,: firflbecaufe God efleemeth it not. 120 .3. 'Beauticiegood rather to theft that, eit, then tothofethat haue it. /21 §. 9. ßta,stic ismomentazie andmutable. 122 S. ¡o. That contemning this outward beautie, we mull a ff e(1 the inward beatific of the mind. 123 S rr:- Beautie too much a felled , cloth make the body tender, foft, and fickly. 124 5.12. Beautie hinderethverrue, and furthereth vice. i 24 5.13. Beautie andchaflitiefeldome meete together. i z5 S. 14. Beatitiema/Zeth proud, and caufeth thofe that haue it , to neglcíl all holy duties. 127 §. I S. Beautiedecesueth ,andallurethwoo firme. 128 5.16. Beautie oftentimes hurtful/ to the friends of thofe who excel! m it. 129 5.17. That wefhould /axe our loue on diuine beaaitie. 130 5.18. That the beaxtie ofthe foule ismuch more excellent then the beautieofthe body. i31 CHAP. %iIII. Of the vanitie and wickednefe ofpainting the face. 5. 1. That the diueil woe the inuenter of thie art of painting. 131 S. z. Painting both the e fFerl and caufe offnn. 133 5.3. That thefepainte: -s decriue and abufe other,. 134 5.4. That they mofl of all offend aping themfelues, in being alha- med oftheir owneperfora. 134 S. 5.71/at they deflroy their naturali beaxtie, and dijgrace their names. 13 5 S. 6. They that vfe it )dander their profeffon of religion. 135 b4 5.7.