Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
t o . That riches aregoodw themfetiaer, and ind:ferent, &c. though they Li no chiefe or pleat good, but in their mean degree and order, fetforth the praifof Godthe Creator of the world. 4.Sea3. Yea fo farre are they from any abfolutc, eminent and pet. That riches arefe& degree ofgoodnes, that they are to vs but ofan indiffe.. 'Tan indiffe- rentnature, good to the good, who vie them well; and cuill roe nature in oftheir to the euill whoiabufe them veto finne making no man that refpe li vje. hash them by their owne vertuc and power either the better Dixitia perin- or the worfe, but are good feruants whé a good mind ruleth de junt vt i11;«á them, and wicked tyrants ouer an abie&and bale mallet. To wsioucEúìi this purpofe the Son ofSyrachfaith, that the principalthings 7 /f i9/ for the whole vie ofmans lie, are water, fire, iron, fait, meale, vt;jtlt, Bb bona f f f > fune;1li pi no wheat, bony, mike, the blood oft he grape, oyle andclothin -.And otitxr retiè, all thefethings are for good to the godly, bast to the /inners they mala.Terent. are turned veto end!. With whom Aquiline agreeth, Thou inIeauton2 . de f iret (faith he to hawgold and Riser, and they are I afore theegood, but not vnleffe they be wellvfed; and ¡boat cant not Au, um & ar- vfe themwell if thy felfe be euill: and hereby gold and Auer are gentum babere tuill to the end, andgoodto thegood, not becaufe they doe make ou. c p meorhemgood, batbecaufefindingthemgood ,rheycommunicatemith fed fr benè vfus'themin theirgoodnes.They are not therefore abfolutely good jxeres,&c. (like Gods fpirituall graces) for then they would make vs Aug.Serm.rz. good, butofa meant and indifferent nature, good in their s7. owne nature, but much corrupted through the fall of Adam. §:Set7.4. Neuertheleffe, to thofe who are railed by Chrifi and are 7Lichesare 'termed and regenerate by his Spirit, they-are truely good, trimly good so both as they are incouragements to fiirrethem vp to thanke- the regenerate fulneffe and obedience, and meanes and infiruments ofper_ "h "haufeB forming that good to which they are incouragements: and ahem. f finally,ás they are unto thempledges ofGods loue,and ear - oftheir faluation.For the faithful receiuing thefe gifts and blefüng s fromGod,and hauingnothing to returne veto God in lieu of al his benefits, do take vp that wholfome pfal.tt6.13. cup ofthankefgiuing, and dopraifethe name of the Lord, and labour to exprefie their thankfulnes in al holy obedience to his will, being incouragedwith thefe rewards, the which in ourr efiimateindging according to fenfe,and too much re fpe &ing- things prefent, are precious and ofgreat worth: fin howfoeuer in truth thefe earthly things -being compared with a
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