Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
Tr a That riches are god to thole who rhtakegoad vfe of them. r.Tim.6.1[7.i8. inwardly much comfort. And thusthe Apofllewould haue rich men charged aboue others, to doegood, ants robe rich in goodworkes,andreadse to dif1ributeand commxntcate,layingvp fore for themfelues, agood foundationagain 1t the time to come, Luk.16.9 that theymay obtaineeternalltife. And our Sauiour.Chriftwil- leth them,to malte vnto them friends withthe riches ofiniquity, that when they ßseuldwant, they might be received into exerla- seum bonum flinghabitations. To this purpofe one faith, thatgoldis repu- esï,aon gNodte led Food, not becaufe it makerh vs good, but becaufe it enableth faciaibmuum, vs todogaod.Neicher is it to be doubted (faith another) but fed vade facial that fcope a wife man hath more matter and larger offhew-, er Mat.7.Serm.5.. tng and laying open his mind in riches then in pouertie : for tom. to. whereas the chiefevertue to be (hewed in this, is tobeare it with patience and not to linke vnder the burthen; in the rich efiate he hath alarge field wherin he may Phew histem- perance,liberalitie,diligence, difpofition and magnificence. A wife man wil not defpife-hiinfelfe,though he be ofadwar. 11th fiature, but yethe would rather chufe tobe ofa manly and tall pitch; he will Phew the power ofhis wifdome in a wearifhbody,or hauing but one eie,but yet he would rather beat.cay,zz. haue abody firong and perfe&, and yet fo, as knowing that he bath a fironger thing within him; hee can beare with ficknes, but he wi4heth health. For there are fonte things which although they be but fmal in comparifon ofthe chiefe parrs, fa that they may be taken awaywithout the ruine of the principal good,which notwithf}andingadde feline thing 9fant neo to the continual!ioy that fpringethotuofvcrtue. And thus facu t "I in riches do affe him and make him eheercful;asaprofperous esimen b,,, wind Both him that faileth, and as a faire day and a funnie fed in ÿsqui vti bancke in the cold of winter. Let therefore no man altogc- aufsiunt,e c. theyreie&riches, becaufe others abufe them vino fin, fee ing the faultis not in riches themfelues,but in thofe who do not. lam. 9' know howtovfe them : for as they are hinderances to wic- ked men, fo they are furtherances CO the good,whereby they -are fet forward in the conrfeofvenue. Finally, their riches are to thofe that vfe them well,not only good in thesnfelues,. but alto pledges of Gods lone,.and of our eternal! inheri- tance in his kingdome ; ,for they whohaue bcen. faithful! hi ihtfe
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