Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

That riches are not to be condemned and reieîled. 21 f choke the good feed of the word,and mares to intangle and Luk.r6.,. drowne vs in perdition. To which I anfwere, that our Sa- Mat.r;.zj, uiour in calling them fo, aimeth not at riches as they are in r.Tim.6.9. their owne naturc,the gifts and bleflings ofGod,nor as they are poffefhed and vied by the faithful! to good purpofes; but as they are abufed by wicked worldlings vnto finne, either by their vnlawfull getting ofthem, or as in their poffcifion they are puffed vp with pride, or null in them more then in God himfelfe; or finally as they commonly abufe them, as their in( 'truments , to accomplifh and bring to paffe their wicked defignes. And to this purpofe one faith,that there is neither balines in pouertie, or fault in riches;but as Iuxurioufne.r Ambrofia infameth and difcrediteth wealth, fo holinef commendeth po- teertie. And elfewhere he faith, that riches are very good to Pfal.t them that know how to vfe them,but to him that knoweth it not, Crimen non efë they doe indeed become euill. He bath dillributed andgiuen to in rebas,fed in the pore, (faith the Pfalmift) his rkhteoufneff remained: for vfnagentis. euer. What therefcre is better then of thy riches to..iue to the Bernard° oore,b which God becommet h thy elebter, in a certain inde o Gr9.cap. 1. P 1 J k f lib.9 cap.a. godly vfurie. It is not therefore riches themfelues, but their finfull abufe,which Chrift condemneth of iniquitie & coil!; neither doe they make a man better or worfe, but as they are vied. For as one faith,There are fame rich whole wealth loth not lift them vp in: pride, but exalt sheen by the work.e.t of mercie;and there arefame who abounding in worldly wealth, doe not feeke after the true riches which are of God; neitheryst are in lone with their eternall cotentrie,becaufe they thinks it fnffi_ cient for them to be fnpported with thefe temporali things, And therefore it not wealth that is in fault, but the corrupt affe- ilion. For all things that God created are good ; but he that Abu. feth hisgoods,bebaueth himfelfe like. the elutton, who through greed:nefkilleth himfelfe with that foode, Where'ithhis life fhould be pre(erued. `Poore Lazarus attained Tinto euerlailing Latarat past° refl,and the rich Glutton was tormented,but yet it was rich y1- häm "n ,Abra` braham which did hold pore Laz.arus in his bofome, &c,'Again, f num leuatus there are others who are deflitute ofearthly riches, andyet are ell dines for. puffed vp in pride in their owne conceit : thefemenWealth Both -not lift aloft to make oJlentation of their power, and yet the wit- ser.,, p 4 kednef[e